Akoya pearl studs - daily wear?


Mar 27, 2015
I would love some advice from the pearl experts! Can Akoya pearl earrings be worn everyday? If cared for properly can they still last a lifetime (or a very long time) if worn regularly? I love my new earrings but they have sentimental value and I don't want to destroy them after a few years!
The actual pearls aren't touching anything once you have put them on so , while I have no practical or experimental knowledge, my best guess would be wear them and enjoy them.
Life is too fleeting to put our best stuff away in a box 'for best'.
I am probably not a good example of best practice pearl care...

Years ago my 21st birthday strand of akoyas was stolen.
I had only had them for a couple of years and used to wear them nearly every day but I had left them at home that particular day because it was hot and I didn't want to sweat into the pearls. Luckily I was wearing my akoya studs at the time and still have them with me today!

Use and enjoy has been my catch phrase ever since and consequently, I am pretty tough on my pearls.

At times I have worn the above earings for weeks at a time, sleeping, swimming, bathing. I rarely admit to this treatment of my pearl earrings, my Mother would be horrified but at least I can say I have enjoyed every minute of them!

They are yours, treasure them, wear them AND look after them!
Oops, forgot to mention that my pearl studs have come unglued!!
Luckily I noticed before I put them on and could get them reglued asap!
Haha thanks Happy Huku! That gives me piece of mind. I'm very careful to put them on last thing in the morning before work, after putting on makeup and I wipe them with a soft cloth every night. I'm glad it's okay to wear them regularly!
I don't wear mine everyday but I do wear them often so I say as long as you take care of them they should last a long time!
Thanks Pkinnew! I won't wear them everyday but maybe 3-4 times a week so I'm glad that regular wear is okay!
If I said the nacre would wear through in 20 years if you wore them every day which would be better...20 years of total pearl wearing happiness with pearls which are important to you or 20 years and one month of no wear but hey, they're in a box in a safe place...?
Wear them all day and every day for as long as you can...and enjoy.
Then, when the nacre does go, then put them in a box in a safe place and keep them for the sentiment.
Thanks Wendy! I completely agree with you, I'd much rather my pearls be well worn and well loved than in perfect condition but boxed away!