Advice regarding pearl purchase..


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
Advice from some of you more experienced pearl lovers would be much appreciated. I have a milestone birthday approaching (that border between a bit old and more old ha ha), and have a discretionary amount I am going to spend for a present for myself. My question is, should I get 3-4 very nice strands which I know I would wear everyday AND could cross over into wearing for a night out, e.g. 9 mm freshdamama, 10mm "baby" gold south sea, 9-10 mm baroque tahitians. OR should I get one "mega strand" which my gut feeling may end up being "too good" or rather "too dressy" and not really get worn much, but would not have an excuse to buy otherwise? Personally, I do like baroques better than say the perfect round south sea or tahitians (they are lovely too but almost too perfect for me, baroques have character).
Welcome to Pearl Guide. What a great question! :)

I can tell you that in my early days, I purchased a lot of inexpensive jewelry in a quest to get one of everything. If I had it to do over, I think of all the money I could have put into a few great pieces!

Now I think what I most want to have is a "harvest" strand of small Tahitian pearls that would reach my waist. That is a strand of all different shapes and colors of baroque Tahitian pearls meant to simulate what typifies a great harvest. It's going to be a very long time before I have the means to purchase one, but I think I'm going to stop buying jewelry until the day I can get one. A nice dream to have, and we have members who can post photos of theirs if you want to see what I am talking about.

For you, this is going to be a wonderful journey of figuring out just what it is that YOU want. Take your time and enjoy. Have fun discussing it here. We love to talk about pearls. :)

I might go with getting a few strands in your case. That's because (1) You like the baroques better, and of course they tend to be less expensive. (2) It sounds like you're considering fairly high end stuff anyway so maybe you won't feel the need to "move up" later on. (3) Three or four nice but not hugely extravagant strands is more stuff to wear and goes with more things. Most important, perhaps, (4) You said you feel like the one "mega-strand" may not get worn much as you'd feel like it was too "much" for daily wear.

When I think of my collection so far, I have gotten rid of a lot of the early "potato" pearls, small pearls, dyed pearls and so on. However, I would not trade in my several various higher quality strands for just one that was amazing. I'd get bored with the same one all the time and as you mentioned, wouldn't want to wear a too-fancy strand with my usual (casual) clothes.

Also, I agree with Blaire, we're all different so just my opinion. Please post pics of what you get!
Just from reading your post, I think you already know what you'd rather do.
I say, go ahead and buy several strands so you have different ones for different outfits and moods.

Presumably you expect to keep having birthdays, right? :D You will have another chance to buy that mega strand, and time to save up for it.
Heh heh, you enablers you... Seriously, thank you for the advice so far. I think I can justify a stand per decade, which will give me a small wardrobe of nice wearable pearls. And then I have another decade to save and decide whether that megastrand will be something I'd wear. Plus, traditionally as I'd be even more mature then, I could justify a larger size if that's what I'd really want. Eyeing off a strand of pistachio Tahitians, some 8.5 m freshdamamas, and have ordered a strand of baroque 11-12 m very pale gold SS. Will attempt to post pics when I have gathered some delights.
Also, can't say how much this forum has helped me make some informed pearl choices!
Buy once and buy the best, only if life is that easy for jewellery or otherwise.

I too went through a phase of spending less on each piece of jewellery in the hope of buying more. However, it is false economy in the end for reasons that the others have mentioned.

I have a pearl jewellery wardrobe to suit different occasions: a 8-9mm gem grade white CFWP and a 9-11mm baroque Tahitians that are my work horse strand for work and casual wear; and two bigger strands of white SSP and baroque Tahitians for dressier affairs.

I have a collection of pendants in different designs and sizes for different sizes too, as well as earrings.

I seldom wear the piece I bought and made in my younger years, as the pearl quality is inferior to the better ones that I could afford later in life.

I have gaps in my collection that I would like to plug eventually, and shall save up for a shopping spree when I go to LA in 2016 for the Pearl Ruckus.

DK :)
Just a caveat on that dkan - you will be liable for VAT and duty on imports into the EU over ?350 (at least that is how I understand the rules) even if these are personal purchases just for yourself)
and HMRC
Plus you may be subject to the money laundering regs on taking money out of the UK/EU
There are a couple of ways which occur to me to minimise that
1 Have your purchases shipped to Jeremy's subsidiary in Germany. The VAT rate there is 19%. Then you could have them shipped on. Depends on how much you spend whether the 1% outweighed the two shipping charges
2 Bring things back unfinished as strands etc and have someone here make them up here (if you can't). That would save the 2.5% duty on finished jewellery.
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Hi and congratulations PeonyRose,

I would agree with the others. It seems you have the budget to actually get very good quality of 2-4 special stands which would set you up with great pearls for years. Pearls come in so many variations and it would be hard to just have one strand of e.g. white pearls when you could have most of the colors of the rainbow from the top end - especially since you like baroques.

I suggest you begin with browsing all the websites linked to in the postings here and take note of what makes your heart jump for joy. Later on in the process you can always contact sellers about what it is exactly you want but right now you probably need to just look around a lot. It sounds like a wonderful chore :)

- Karin
I've thought about this now...and my advice would definitely be to buy the pearls you will wear all the time because they are the ones which will make you feel fabulous, irrespective of price. So...get all freshwaters if you want, don't feel you 'ought' to buy this or that. There are no rules and you sound as if you are at an age when you can say yah sucks boo to anyone who says differently.
I would go for the pearl wardrobe. However, instead of buying all at once, I would space them out. After wearing the first one for a while, you will get a better feel of what you like: length, weight, shape, etc. Then you will have a better basis for the next purchases.

Besides, spacing out the fun increases it.
Thank you all! Yes, the temptation is to but too quickly - there are a lot of nice pearls out there, but also a lot of potential duds. It is fun to browse for a while! I have been guided by this forum ( mainly) about trustworthy vendors which still gives more than enough places with big ranges to choose from. I am in Australia so we have a $AUD threshold for import - anything over attracts 15% in taxes and duties. Not an impossible figure to work with, but must be considered on any price. Thanks KarinK for the suggestion, I have been looking at Josh's website amongst others... It's amazing the range of colours Tahitians can come in!
It's a tough call. On the one hand, having 3 high quality mid-price strands will give you lots of variety for every day wear. On the other hand, I resonate with the others who have talked about their early mistakes of buying a bunch of less expensive strands, and wishing that they had instead shown more restraint and spent the same amount of money on a few spectacular pieces.

I went a bit crazy this year and bought a LOT of beautiful mid-range pieces. I justified it to myself by saying that I couldn't afford to splurge on a single high-end piece, but that I could afford each one of smaller purchases given that they were spaced out over time. But honestly if I add up what I spent spaced out over the course of the year, I could have easily cleared not only one high-end piece, but probably two. So while I currently have a wide wardrobe from which to pick for every day wear (and don't get me wrong...I do LOVE the pieces I bought), if I had to do it again, I'd probably save my money for the splurge pieces. Or at least have made only one or two smaller purchases and used the rest for the splurge pieces.

That said, it might be a "grass is greener" thing. If I had bought one or two "splurge" pieces, I might be whining about only having spectacular pieces to wear for fancy occasions and nothing to wear in my day to day life, especially given that I pretty much wear one of my baroque Tahitian strands almost every single day to work with my suits, and have enjoyed my white metallics for dressier occasions (despite that whole 'ironic' thing that sparked some fun discussion on PS). Plus, if I'm being honest, I doubt that my invite to galas and awards shows have been lost in the mail, and a special occasion in my part of the world means going out to dinner to a nice restaurant every once in a while, which is not exactly Harry Winston worthy!
It sounds like your budget will allow for several very nice pieces -- the pieces you describe would delight any pearl lover.

It's such a personal choice, though. Trade those in for one "mega strand"? It also depends how often you want to wear your pearls. If often, I'd say go for the variety. If only occasionally for formal events, go for the mega (unless you would feel comfortable and want to wear the mega often).

Getting the variety will also give you a nice range of colors and shapes/sizes to wear with your wardrobe.

Please take us along for the ride -- we love love pearl pictures!
I would go for the pearl wardrobe. However, instead of buying all at once, I would space them out. After wearing the first one for a while, you will get a better feel of what you like: length, weight, shape, etc. Then you will have a better basis for the next purchases.

Besides, spacing out the fun increases it.

Great advice.
You all have such good advice. I like the idea of waiting for the first strand and then going from there. And yes, my invites to all those gala openings get lost in the mail too, so I'd need to feel comfortable wearing a strand to a nice restaurant or a friends party. I have a beautiful ( non pearl) bracelet that my husband gave me on our wedding day, and unfortunately it does remain more unworn due to being too dressy for daily wear. On the other hand, of course I have the inevitable cheaper purchases that just don't stand the test of time too. Must keep on looking & thinking.. .
The good thing, Peonyrose, is that the kind of pearls you are looking will not wear down :) Few pearls ever do. Only thin skinned akoka run that risk.

- Karin
Welcome and g'day Peonyrose ! My advice is look to your lifestyle and buy something that suits what you do and where you go. I don't know that it's worth investing in something that will sit in the safety deposit box waiting for a charity Melbourne Cup luncheon. Do some research..try some on... see what you like as far as size and colour. If it were me...I'd go for top quality large white baroques and a Tahitian rope ... but then that's what suits my lifestyle . (in fact I'd get two harvest all Tahitian and one WSS and GSS with some grey Tahtians mixed in) Get interesting high quality pearls. I wouldn't waste money getting all sorts of things ..

Just get one and then wait and see...Lady D gave good advice (as did everyone else lol ) one strand at a time ! My only advice is to buy top quality and large .. I don't know anyone who looks back at their pearl collection and says ' oh I wish I'd bought smaller ones.."

Have fun ! Go try some on ... test them out for colour and size !

maybe some huge white ripples - either round or baroque and perhaps a bead nucleated mixed colour strand of good quality? Those are the two strands I wear 90% of the time.