Who did it?! Who bought my darling Tahitians?

lisa c

Perpetual Pearl Student
Jun 28, 2009
Oh, it's ok; (not really, but) I have major appliances to replace, NO pearls for me... But who bought TAN100-1543? I hope it was one of us.

Its awfully quiet here for just after the big sales. ??? Didn't anybody indulge??? Pretty please, share, Vicarious Enjoyment is holding its breath.
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You can enjoy some vicarious drooling over on the Pricescope thread about the Riketea pearls, but I haven't seen any reference to that number (TAN100-1543.) They certainly are gorgeous-- I'll be interested to see people's own photos of them under normal lighting.

There's another thread there also about Black Friday purchases.
Thanks pearlDreams. It looks like fly girl might have TAN100-1543. Thanks for the heads up to go to PS. It's like there's a mass exodus...did we do something bad over here, or did they just want to go home:-/. ?
LOL! If you read Pricescope there are a lot more threads and photos posted of what people bought...not just in the Pearls forum, either.
P-G seems more of an informative forum, Pricescope more of a consumer forum. That is an oversimplification, of course.

BTW your message inbox is full.
Oooh, interesting discussion! I'm going to start a thread on PS and PG now! (BTW -- I bought 1563)
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LOL! Great, BAS! It felt so weirdly quiet, like Twilight Zone. I'm so glad we'll get to see these babies again :-D, and that our new friends will still be around.

Congrats, BAS, everybody!

(thanks for the heads-up PearlDreams, xo)
I had the impression most folks frequent both forums? Or perhaps active on one and lurk on the other. So if I've posted on PS, I haven't had the urge to post the same thing on PG. And yes, loads of new pretties on PS forum. I'm one of those eager to see IRL pics of the Rikitea strands when PS-ers get them.
Yes, I feel the same way-- I can't see double-posting.

And yes to seeing IRL photos of the Tahitians. Last year I stopped in at a B&M jeweler and saw a lovely blue-toned Tahitian strand that I just had to try on. Then I walked over to the large front window and looked at them under indirect daylight-- the blue was gone. The strand looked dull against my skin. Lighting has such a huge effect on the appearance of pearls.
Yes, Kath, you know it!

I'm enjoying heat and hot water again, and trying to not feel too put out that everything broke THIS year. I wake up grateful in a warm house, can't beat that! (Yeah, that's the ticket!) I resisted spending my pearl-fund until my brain said "are you nuts? Hot water, heat, NOW you idiot!"

I'm getting more time to learn how to read these pearl pictures before I commit to a purchase, too. I'm learning a lot from all of your photos. I wanted Everything indiscriminately when I thought I'd never buy.

Now, I'm depending on you guys for eye candy, so please keep it coming. XOs
There is still lots of eye-candy on the PP site, including this cherry coated beauty.

18-inch AAA 8.3-10.9 Tahitian Round Pearl Necklace Item # TAN100-1562

"This beautiful strand exhibits the conveted (sic) intense cherry overtones over a deep, dark body color. The intensity of the tones vary throughout the strand, giving it some variation."

I bet a lot of people covet this strand. :D

View attachment IMG 1837
Remember there are 29 more Rikitea strands to be posted in the future ;) so never fear you haven't lost out yet :)
1543 was very dark, popping cherries and lots of other colors.
NO! Did you buy one of each?!? Clever girl!
I wish, just missed out on 1550 due to technical issues and procrastination. I am looking forward to the cherry pearls though. Been stalking the website nearly every waking hour.
1543 was very dark, popping cherries and lots of other colors.
NO! Did you buy one of each?!? Clever girl!

There is still lots of eye-candy on the PP site, including this cherry coated beauty.

18-inch AAA 8.3-10.9 Tahitian Round Pearl Necklace Item # TAN100-1562

"This beautiful strand exhibits the conveted (sic) intense cherry overtones over a deep, dark body color. The intensity of the tones vary throughout the strand, giving it some variation."

I bet a lot of people covet this strand. :D

View attachment 32291

I was tossing up between this and the one I purchased, I am still not sure if I made the right decision...
Ooooh, not so funny! }-( Someone has absconded with TAN100-1543! /

Its gone, disappeared without a trace, not even shown under the sold out of stock.

(hands on hips) I know I didn't imagine it. I have a photo.

I'm sure there's a good explanation. Let's hear it!
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lisa c - Can we see the photo? I expect that the strand was sold, and then taken down from the PP web site. But, it would be nice to see what got you so excited.

Edited: I just looked through some of my screen prints from the first day of the sale, and I found the very small photo of the strand before (I presume) it sold. Gorgeous, and I can see why you like it so.


  • PP1543.jpg
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Remember there are 29 more Rikitea strands to be posted in the future ;) so never fear you haven't lost out yet :)

Newberry - I'm looking at the PP site tonight, and I think they are slowly putting up new Rikitea strands. But, the ones that were there the first day often had brighter colors, and they don't always leave the sold strands up on the site. So, it is hard to count how many have sold and how many have yet to be posted.