Tahitian Pearl Ring

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
To finish up my mad pearl buying spree from the other day, it looks like I've found my ring pearl. I realized that what I wanted the most was a giant round pearl, and of course the problem with that was my budget (especially later in the buying spree, lol).

It's the one on the right, 14.6 mm:

tahitian pair.jpg

The setting will be the yellow gold band from PP. I have two thin diamond bands to wear on either side to dress it up a little:


So that's 2 strands, a pair of earrings, and a ring on the way. I've covered my gifts for my birthday, Christmas, anniversary, and Valentine's Day/Mother's Day combined. The best part is that DH thanked me for rescuing him from having to figure out what to get me. So yeah, starting to wonder why I'm not a member of MENSA (just kiddin').
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Thanks. It's (the Tahitian above) from The Pearl Society. Hopefully, I won't knock it into something. My hands are too big! Here's my South Sea ring. The pearl is 13.2-13.7, I believe. Yet, I don't think it looks very large on me so I thought I'd go up some for the next one. Please excuse the salami skin look. I was trying to photoshop my manhands, lol:

white pearl ring 2.jpg
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Are you making fun of me? (LOL, just kidding)

No, but thanks for the great LOL I got from your retort (hehehe).
I think I have rather large hands myself, but I like 'em alright. Wish I had your good fingernails, however...

I think we're hand-sisters as a matter of fact, except you have better knuckles and fingernails and rings!
You know, I have noticed that. Recently I took some selfie shots to show my friend my new hairdo. I swear, the camera was so much harsher than the mirror. Now when I am standing there looking in the mirror, I know what I look like, it's not like a delusion in my mind. The photos were so scary I didn't send them. Cameras are cruel and inaccurate and should be abolished! :p
Absolutely! Abolish camera and clone SeaUrchin's husband.
LOL. Cameras are innocent Lie Detectors for the little lies we tell ourselves. My worst enemy is the three-way dressing room mirror. Being able to see myself through a second mirror puts me at a remove that spells out exactly what I look like to anyone else! And let's not discuss bathing attire...
You know, I have noticed that. Recently I took some selfie shots to show my friend my new hairdo. I swear, the camera was so much harsher than the mirror. Now when I am standing there looking in the mirror, I know what I look like, it's not like a delusion in my mind. The photos were so scary I didn't send them. Cameras are cruel and inaccurate and should be abolished! :p

Sea, you have to master the mirror selfie...you take a photo of yourself taking a photo! When I look in the mirror, I still see a 38 year old (if not wearing my reading glasses!)
You gals crack me up :D Thank you for the laughs :)

I think we should go back to bathing in dresses.

Anyway, Sea Urchin, how do you find the large SSP sits on your finger? Does it spin much?

- Karin
Great thread! Congratulations on all of your new pearls (and for saving your DH!).

I try to avoid both mirrors and cameras because they both lie lol!
You gals crack me up :D Thank you for the laughs :)

I think we should go back to bathing in dresses.

Anyway, Sea Urchin, how do you find the large SSP sits on your finger? Does it spin much?

- Karin
I am all over the swim dress...Athleta makes a line of wonderful swim dresses that cover but are cute!! Much better than the woolen garb worn in the Victorian era!
Sea Urchin, how do you find the large SSP sits on your finger? Does it spin much?

- Karin

It's just fine except when I don't pay attention and clunk it into something. But so far, that doesn't seem to have caused any damage. I think the way the band splits in the front gives it stability, it doesn't spin. But the new one will be on a single band and also is a larger pearl so I don't know. Awhile back, someone had posted how they'd had two tiny round gold balls soldered on inside the band and that kept it straight. (whoever that was, can you point out the photo?) I might do that if it spins.
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Here's the setting, from PP. Not sure you can tell much from this pic, but thought I'd post a quick shot anyway. Pearl ring setting.jpg
Here it is on the PP band. I've shown it with the two thin diamond bands I like to wear with it, as well as my white south sea pearl ring for comparison. The Tahitian pearl is 14-15 mm and the South Sea pearl is 13-14 mm. I'll post a hand shot in a sec. :)

pearl rings 1.jpg