Need help finding a clasp - Japanese with a push button lock


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
I've looked almost everywhere for these push button clasps that I believe are made in Japan. Stuller has a pinch clasp ..but these have a little rod that you knot to on one end and the clasp is on the other. The rod inserts in the clasp and locks and a little button on the side of the clasp releases it. Anyone know where to find these or who manufactures them? Be great for people with difficulty using the more fiddly clasps. Any help greatly appreciated. :cool:
I hope someone answers. The clasp has intrigued me ever since you mentioned it.
Well, I'm not sure if that's the one Katbran is looking for, but my poorly functioning hands and thumbs LOVE that clasp, Madsciencechik ... I'll be adding a couple of those to my next Riogrande order ... thanks :)
Thanks Andrea ... that's the idea of it to be sure. ..and they are made in Japan. Quite possible it's the same company...unless this is a standard sort of Japanese clasp. Btu they were really slick !

LadyD - I'll see if I can get a photo . I was at a booth at a jewellery show last week and was so impressed with the ease of the clasp that I was forgetting to look at his pearls.
lol well to be honest his stuff was ok but more of a lower luster Tahitian stock.... unlike the show I went to 2 weeks before that where I found lots of potential little pearly orphans that needed homes..lovely Fine pink/white Australian 13mm ovals calling out to far I've resisted... but I swear that I hear them whispering to me from time to time. ..I think they want to me to buy the lovely pink and white 18kt gold findings that I was looking at as well..... If they are still talking to me at the end of the week I might weaken...bit pricey ... sigh...
I've such clasps on two of my ropes. They are really easy to use. Wished more vendors use such clasps.
Anna !!! That last one at Cooks is exactly the type of clasp. The oval ones, from the side, look like little submarines with just that raised button . Very smooth and very easy to use. I don't know why they aren't used more !! I've never looked at that site before so that's an added bonus :)

Thanks very much for all the help folks !! If anyone stumbles across more of these in different styles or a manufacturer do let me know please !!
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Good, you may know I am writing a book on "4000 years history of clasps", so that's why, and these will be stated,
more here
Just my opinion, as a consumer, I have several pieces of jewelry with similar clasps (as the last photo shows). I have had the clasp fail when worn with a very large enhancer (clip-on). It was a medium weight box chain. I ended up having the clasp replaced with a traditional tongue and barrel clasp with figure 8 safety catch. The chain carried the weight of the enhancer, but the clasp did not, which I found odd. Maybe it was defective? Or maybe I somehow bent the catch? Who knows.
I think it could be useful to report this to the manufacturer, or to the one who sold it to you, is it ?
This is a great point, Pattye! I always check to make sure that all rings on clasps and otherwise are soldered, seems like open rings are prevalent in present day manufactured pieces.

Sometimes the weak point is a jump ring which isn't soldered attaching the clasp to the chain. It can pull open over time, causing the failure. I see this on karat gold and also fashion jewelry. Good to take a close look at this area on our necklaces and chains.