Exciting looking box of old pearls...


Community member
Jun 18, 2013
PGers....Just had to share, as I'm sooo beside myself...sorting through this little box of old pearls..quite a few look promising as naturals :-))

Any tips on how to go about this? I'm just putting them in groups with others that look similar.

Good job I'm not working tomorrow!!


Waow! I'd say some candling is in order !!
Great day in perspective tomorrow !
Want to see more details of the ones with the large drill holes !!
MSC...glad you agree ;-)

FrenchPearl...Being as I don't really know what I'm doing...at this stage...how big, and how dirty the drill-hole is plays a crucial role in my deciding which section of the box each pearl goes in!

FrenchPearl...Being as I don't really know what I'm doing...at this stage...how big, and how dirty the drill-hole is plays a crucial role in my deciding which section of the box each pearl goes in!

I'm really a beginner (only 1 year with pearl addiction), but I think I read somewhere on this forum that old pearls with large drill holes are a positive sign for naturals :-)
in any case, just going through the box is a treat !!
I bought these two boxes from a neighbour, who knowing ive become interested in pearls popped by with them and said she'd like ?30 for them. Both of her parents came from families who had jewellers shops and she used to rummage in these boxes to source pearls to make Regency style costumes when she was a girl.

Its a little history lesson in a box! There are a number of broken Georgian MOP and seed pearl pieces which in design look very Anglo-Indian...I had heard that many of these were made in India when it was part of the British Empire. There are also lots of ancient blown faux pearls which look awfully pretty but squash when I pick them up...I might just take pics of all the different types.
Hi, I ditto all that. You are a lucky dog. You must take close up photos of all and candle those big undrilled ones. Hanging out here for a bigger fix on these.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.
Ok, so...I've sorted them into different 'types'...it seems to be a collection of mainly old natural pearls and faux pearls, with maybe a sprinkling of old cultureds. I found it very difficult to take decent pics with any of the equipment I have...so, you'll see, I've taken pics down a 10x loupe...worked reasonably well I thought :-)

I know its asking a lot, but what I'd really like to find out is what species and where they might have come from...so if any of you see any clues...

Don't want to swamp the forum with pics, so these are the first ones, in the centre of the box above...



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Lucky you! I bet you are having a blast sorting through those tiny treasures :cool: The pearls look so lovely in your last photo!
They are probably from the gulf. I just wrote a post about that- hope it wasn't on this thread.

I can hardly wait until you clean those. Curious to see what the diff is in color.

And, BTW you can't put up too many photos. That is what this forum is about.

That is some box and you are a kind of archaeologist. Pix here are a kind of date/time record. Be sure to document it all carefully before you play with them or give them a bath, though I can't think why anyone except an archaeologist would want to keep pearls dirty,lol
Well, they cleaned up to look quite pretty...I added the larger ones to some small which looked similar (although looking at these pics, there is one rogue with smoother nacre and a blue tint).
Also...more pics. I love these ones..high hopes that they're natural too. I've cleaned these, with an interdental brush to get at the holes ;-)

They are around 6mm.

What an amazing gift. They are luscious. I am drooling over them :) The ones threaded look great and the last lot do look like naturals. It is wonderful to see how filthy pearls clean up. They always surprise. Are you going to candle them?

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.