Baroque pearl ring


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
I purchased this ring back in the early 80's from a guy who knew a guy who knew a I've had it appraised several times since - once in 1989 at $2240.00 and once in 1998 at $2470.00. The jewelers who did the appraisals eyes were quite wide and asked me if I "knew what I had?" "You can't get these - these are from my homeland." I think he was Iranian. He said they were saltwater pearls. I thought "we couldn't get them" meant due to the Iranian issues with embargo's' etc but I'm wondering if these are Persian Baroque Pearls and if I should have them re-appraised as I now understand that these have been harvested to the point of no return and are in fact not available because they are very rare?? Anyone that could give me an idea of the value of these that would be very helpful. From the appraisals I have the pearls measure 9.0-11.0mm are greyish silvery in color with a pink overtone.. (but sometimes they appear bluish - they are iridescent). total weight of the ring is 10.6gr - 14K stamped yellow gold.

I have no idea what it is or what it's worth, but may I just say, "Wow!"

I think since your last appraisal was in 1998, that is reason enough to have it updated, at least for insurance purposes.
I've listed it for sale at it's last appraised value (hasn't been worn since then) and I'm just wondering if I'm shooting myself in the foot and undervaluing the piece - it's is awesome.. too small for me now it's from 30 years ago and it's quite a large piece so I don't wear it. I've also never cleaned it as I didn't want to do more harm than good. So it sits in a safe in a box and I only take it out once in a while to look at it again.. It's a beauty - you can look at it over and over and over again - someone should be sporting it on their finger.
here are some more photos.. yes it is SOOO BEAUTIFUL..

here are some more photos.. yes it is SOOO BEAUTIFUL..

This was a present to myself on my birthday a very long time ago.. Pearls are the June Birthstone as I'm sure everyone on this site knows and this is an amazingly beautiful ring. Yes luster is the right word. This ring to me represents the season of "Spring" - fresh and new.
Are you asking what kind of pearls they are? My guess is that they are natural colored cultured baroque akoyas with a bead inside. I can see it clearly in a couple of the pix. Natural colored akoyas are hard to find, but that color is a match for the best of the genre. While 9mm round is extra super rare, it does happen, and thus two baroques of that size are possible though very rare and to match them? etc. Wow.
I thought I was told they were from Japan when I got the ring back in the early 80s, it was the appraisers in 89 and 98 who suggested they were not so yes, I'd sure like to know what I've got.. .
Very beautiful cultured pearls! Would you mind taking a photo in indirect daylight on a paper towel? Get closer if you can, maybe use the macro feature (little flower). :)
or that photo I will need my photographer daughter as she has macro lens .. and she knows how to get a shot.. I had a hard time getting a photo clearly.
I've called a couple of people to get an appraisal locally but no luck. No Pearl people here I guess. They can all do an insurance appraisal they say but they don't know about pearls.. They didn't even know what I was talking about when I suggested Akoya or Persian and one didn't even know what a Baroque Pearl was.. can't imagine how they could possibly do an appraisal with no knowledge .. one told me she'd look it up on the internet to get a value.. LOL It's a little frustrating to be honest.
Agree with Caitlin, based on the additional photos (thank you) the pearls are baroque natural color cultured akoyas. The first photo didn't show their roundness as well as the later photos.

The appraisal value is a retail replacement value, probably not what one can expect to receive for the ring when sold. So although the current appraisal value might be higher, the asking price you've set seems ok. Just my opinion, of course; it is a uniquely beautiful ring and I hope a fortunate someone will find it in the toe of their Christmas stocking!
That's great - thanks Patricia - glad to know I'm not shooting myself in the foot. Hate to let it go as it is but economy is economy and it's time for it to come out of the box and be worn by someone who will love it as much as I do.