M. STERN Natural Pearls


New Member
Oct 8, 2013
Hi All,

Monte Stern here, son of Dr. Thomas K. Stern. I have just returned to the natural pearl world and am now managing the Stern family collection through my own company, M. STERN.

Now that I am back, some photos for you to enjoy...

The first photo is of some nice P. maxima pearls I just got back from GIA the other week. Two of them ended up being reported as non-bead (both are smaller ones in the upper left section of the photo).


This second photo is of a large Tridacana pearl from the Stern collection incorporated into a piece by designer Paula Crevoshay. The piece was recently on exhibition at the Carnegie Museum. The pearl has been mounted with 18k gold, Moonstone, and Diamonds.

photo-2 copy.jpg

Please visit and like my page on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MonteStern

And you can view my initial website here: http://montestern.webs.com

I will be posting more photos of interesting natural pearls in the days to come.

- Monte
Welcome to the group, Monte! :) And who doesn't love Paula Crevoshay?
Welcome Monte :cool: Wow that piece by Paula Crevoshay is amazing! Just gorgeous! Is it a brooch?
Is it a brooch?

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Thanks everyone! The piece by Paula can function as a brooch and pendant. In the back, she has a configuration that allows for the user to hang the piece from a chain or use the pin. The piece also has posts extending behind it so that when it is placed on a table, for example, it sits perfectly level so that the edges do not rub on anything. Crevoshay quality all the way.
Thanks for the additional photo :cool: Just look at the lovely detailing on the back of the pearl! Truly a piece fit for royalty!
Hi Everyone,

Here is another photo for your natural pearl viewing pleasure. Most of the round white pearls in this photo are P. maxima. The big red one on the right and the small, dark, copper colored round on the bottom are Pteria s. The big red one has not been tested, but since it is obviously Pteria, I haven't felt the need to have it done. The smaller black one was done in a large GIA group report, so its exact origin is not identified (there were 50 pearls on the same report), but I think maybe Atrina vexillum. Penny in the photo for scale. Enjoy!- Monte

Welcome - love to see a young man interested in pearls, and naturals at that (my favourite, although my budget does not support it, lol).

Please tell us more about that amazing Pteria necklace you have a photo of on your website! I posted a comment asking if it is Pteria sterna (not sure if there are other varieties?).
Please tell us more about that amazing Pteria necklace you have a photo of on your website! I posted a comment asking if it is Pteria sterna (not sure if there are other varieties?).

Well... The two types I hear about the most are Pteria sterna and Pteria penguin. The vast majority of Pteria pearls I have submitted to the labs have always come back as Pteria sterna. In rare cases, some have come back identified only as being from the family Pteriidae, but not the specific type. So, I believe there is a lot of variety out there, but the majority of what I see is the P. sterna.

Here is the picture of the necklace below- Excuse me for not being able to give you any specific measurements right now, but I am traveling and do not have it with me.

It consists of baroque Pteria pearls exhibiting the full range of their color spectrum (Crimson red to white gold). I believe there are also a couple of baroque P. maxima pearls that were added. It has been hand-drilled and strung, but not knotted or clasped.
OOOOhhhh, ^ ^ crimson red wow, hope we can get a close up of that pearl and more of this amazing necklace in the future!

Sure thing. When I get home at the end of the month I will have a photo shoot day and post some better shots.
Yowza! That is just SO lovely....... Thanks so much for the info. Can't wait for the photo shoot! I've seen some small P penguin pearls on ebay lately, was going to try to grab one or two just for fun......
So good to have a Stern family member posting here again! So many of our best photos of beadless Maximas came from you. The family collection certainly has added to my knowledge of natural Pinctadas.
Hi Everyone,

sorry for the big delay, but I have been extremely busy with the holiday season upon us. However, now I am here with some pics and specs for the necklace I posted earlier....

It is approximately 18" in length, from pearl to pearl. It has not been clasped and does not have knotting between the pearls.

It consists of 61 pearls which have been drilled by hand in India by a good friend of mine. However, the pearls did not originate from India and were actually part of my family's collection as loose pearls. They are all from Southeast Asia. We had it assembled into a necklace as an experiment.

The center pearl measures approx. 18.38x13.30x8.19mm with the smallest pearls being approx. 4.73x4.80x4.79

The pearls appear to be a mix of Pteria sterna (baroque and spherical shapes) as well as some varieties from the South Sea, including P. maxima (baroque shapes).

This necklace does not have a report, but the majority of pearls used came from parcels that returned from GIA as natural & saltwater.

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