Giant Clam Pearl Philippines??


New Member
Oct 16, 2013
When my dad was young, him and his father would catch fish and clams on their boat in the south Philippine Islands. One "giant clam" he believes was the translation of the visayan word, had this pearl inside.

There isnt any point of reference in the picture but I can barely cover half of the pearl with my palm when I hold it in my hands.

Does anyone know what this is and if it's worth anything?

thanks for your time :)


  • GiantClamPearl.jpg
    11 KB · Views: 146
It looks like it is from the giant clam - Tridacna gigas. You can contact Bonhams auction house. They have natural history auctions that have included specimens such as this in the past. :)
Thank you !

Thank you !

It looks like it is from the giant clam - Tridacna gigas. You can contact Bonhams auction house. They have natural history auctions that have included specimens such as this in the past. :)

Thank you GemGeek! My dad incorrectly thought it was a scallop pearl but instead realized he translated the visayan word wrong :)
It looks like it is from the giant clam - Tridacna gigas. You can contact Bonhams auction house. They have natural history auctions that have included specimens such as this in the past. :)

I agree on both points. Gem value isn't there, but the natural history factor certainly is. It would definitely need to be lab certified to fetch any value, because these are easily faked. I'm not suggesting this pearl is fake, only that authenticity needs to be made certain prior to auction. I have no idea what value can be applied, because we generally don't do that here, but I'm sure that once certified it would have more value than the testing itself.
I am glad you came to the forum! I hope it helps you to understand what you have there.

Is it bigger than the Pearl of Allah?
Hi Caitlin,

I've been researching the Pearl of Allah and no, it is not.

Circumferences are 8 and 1/4 inches and 7 and 3/8 inches.

The weight is 14.5 oz.

So maybe a mini-mini version :)

Thanks for the help and direction everyone!
My friend's uncle,also got a non nacreous shell and results from XRD and XRF analyser revealed a 96.41%,99.30%& 99.35% respectively in 3 location points. Aragonite with traces of Calcite. Does it really mean its a Non Nacreous pearl?
Its 7 kilograms by weight.

I have bought a set of vintage cufflinks and necktie pin with pearl on each item in a Japanese thrift store . Its almost 5.5mm each . What type of pearl is this if its from Japan origin? How much will it costs?20190319_012427.jpg
My friend's uncle,also got a non nacreous shell and results from XRD and XRF analyser revealed a 96.41%,99.30%& 99.35% respectively in 3 location points. Aragonite with traces of Calcite. Does it really mean its a Non Nacreous pearl?
Its 7 kilograms by weight.

Shell and pearl have similar composition, but shell is not pearl. Here is some information about these shells....

I have bought a set of vintage cufflinks and necktie pin with pearl on each item in a Japanese thrift store . Its almost 5.5mm each . What type of pearl is this if its from Japan origin? How much will it costs?View attachment 66251
View attachment 66252View attachment 66252

Welcome to the forum. Your vintage jewelry is interesting. The green reflects so it is difficult to see them clearly. Please if possible, retake photos on a white paper towel. Then we can tell if it is an actual pearl or something else.

Is the metal sterling silver? Are there any markings on the back of the pieces?