kind of injection of the tissue for the Kasumigaura or Ming or kasumigaura-china


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
there are some theory how the tissue was injected into the gonade of the FWP for the KasumigaUra, KasumigaUra-China like or as some say the Ming-Pearls
(will mean, Freshwater pearls with a nucleos - drilled - injected into the gonade of a FWP mussel).

The published theory was, the pice of tissue was first picked off and than pick the nucleos on the drilling-hole.
but in this way, it was very difficult to put in a FWP mussel the 2 parts strong together in the gonade, especially as the tissue will be not close of the pearl sack what was in construction and I have heard, that the tissue can only surrive about 2-3 days without connecting to the pearl sack. as in this kind it was on the side with the cutting, I think it will be not so easy to make it.
So my theory was, that first the tissue will be fixed into the drilling of the nucleos and than picked up on the other side of the nucleos, it will be put into the gonade.
so in was strong connected to the surrounding material (inner material of the gonade)
and was like wiht saltwater pearls more easy, to get a rounder pearl.
Also in saltwater the japanese put first the tissue in the cutted gonade, and than the nucleos in a second step. I know most chinese akoya place first the nuleos into the cutted gonade, and put than the tissue but not in top but will give them into the side (have some vidoes own wher you can see it very clear!)
so as fwp nucleation into the conade was much more difficult and normly you cannot see well the gonade and so you are mainly unable to put or go at 2 times to the same place (to make the 2 before decribed steps) the nucleator will work like a man without eys if he nucleate a FWP. - was the saying of a japanes fwp farmer).
Has somebody more information about this new steps and what was use tissue in front of tissue backside at teh time of nucleation into the gonade.

looking forward for any information.
Georg Wiesauer F.G.A.., F.G.G, Pearl specialist
Information about a new kind of Freshwater Pearl I have seen last visit in china.
Last visit in china zhuji I see from a farmer a new king of so call " Turbo ming-freshwaterpearl" - will mean a FWP like Kasumigaura-china AND Turbo will mean, a very short time of cultivation............ only 2 month !!!!!! I can post also some pictures of this new kind of pearls.

and you have read clear, cultivation period should be only 2 month.
looking at the pearl, I see it have an acceptable nacres thickness but unworked a little yellow color.

Time of presentation was april, so as cultivation was therefore february, march there must be some happen during the cultivatio period.

the water must be heated ( up to 36 Degrees? if higher mussel will die ??), the feed must be strong controlled so the grow can take part in 2 month
this FWP have a nucleos and should be produced in the gonade (like ming pearls, or kasumigaura-like-china)
also I am thinking they will use anther kind of mussel - my first thinking was that should be cristari plicata (what produced in quick time pearls, and was the mussel in teh 1980 what produces the lot of low quality rice crispies...?
Do somebody have more information about this new kind or any information more about pearl culturing.

I am writing on a new pearl book and I am happy for any information, pictures, videos about FWP. Akoya pearl. I also have taken just a lot of videos of FWP cultivation (fireball, tissue , )

looking forward for any information I can get. dont worry, if I got some information double. better double as no information

Georg Wiesauer F.G.A.., F.G.G, Pearl specialist
What is the difference between a Ming pearl and an Edison pearl? Does anyone know, or is it a trade secret?
What is the difference between a Ming pearl and an Edison pearl? Does anyone know, or is it a trade secret?

I hope someone knows for sure. I see them called Ming pearls on the QVC site, they are being offered by Honora. The only current listing they have is for a charm bracelet on a bronze chain. I believe from reading some posts in the jewelry forum there that they had other Ming pearls. I don't know for sure, I don't watch the channel.......
As far as I could tell while looking at both in HK last month the good Edisons are a tiny bit better in quality than Mings. That's the smooth natural colours ones, not Kasumi-ish ripples. I'd say that Ming is just a year or so behind Edison (Grace) in quality/production. Certainly for most of the big bead nucleated there isn't much to tell between them (except price) I've got several strands of very nice indeed Mings.
Edisons are beginning to look expensive
(No, I'm not Ming-ing..ho ho ho)
They are the same pearls just from different companies. Another company in Hong Kong asked me two years ago to help them come up with a name for round, bead-nucleated pearls. I didn't give them a name but told them just about anything would be better than Edison. Grace did try to differentiate their Edisons with deep, dark colors, but they now have bags of pearls in all colors that they refer to as Edison.
I've been wondering where the name "Edison" came from -- it always makes me think of light bulbs and is not a pretty name, in my opinion. It may even (negatively) influence my feelings towards these bead nucleated pearls. I know that's silly -- but it's a visceral reaction, not a logical one.

"Although he and Grace closely guard their techniques, Mr. Zhan said they saw the Edison as emblematic of the growing scientific and technological sophistication of Chinese pearl making. He named them for Thomas Edison, even if it seemed a back-handed homage.

“Edison, for all his intelligence,” Mr. Zhan said, “could not invent pearls or diamonds.”