I think these are natural pearls-need help


New Member
Sep 17, 2013
Hi, I have a strand of pearls that I believe are natural. I've had them X-rayed by my dentist and was wondering if anyone could give me an outside opinion.


Thank you for your time
You can see the beads just from normal observation, but they are obvious in the x-ray. They are baroque cultured pearls. Sorry. :)
A lot of people like the baroque pearls exactly because they look more natural to the untrained eye- and that includes most people who will ever see this one.

There would be no visible bead in a natural pearl. It would be hard to find a natural strand that large and uniform in looks. And last, but not least, they look like a well known type of cultured pearl with fantastic iridescence and do not look natural to an expert like the GemGeek or a semi-trained amateur like me.
The concept of natural pearls having no bead has also gotten a little muddle as most culturred freshwater pearls do not contain a bead. But in this case I seem to see the bead inside quite clearly.

Are there any particular circumstances that makes you believe the pearls are natural? Depending on the size the x-ray with the bead leads me to think of baroque akoya though I can't judge if they are dyed or not.

- Karin
Many people use the word "natural" to mean "real" pearls (as opposed to imitation), but when it comes to pearls, "natural" means wild, uncultured, produced by Nature without human intervention. Since the bead inside is clearly visible, they are not natural, but they are real nacre.

Akoyas do sometimes occur naturally in this silvery blue color, but they may also have been dyed that color. Here is a thread you can read at which discusses some naturally colored blue akoyas and some dyed ones,with photos. It may help you determine which sort yours are.
Thank you for taking the time to look at the photos and giving me your expert opinions. It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and expertise. I was told that they might be natural and that I should have them x-rayed. I really appreciate your help with this.
Thank you for taking the time to look and respond. Your expert opinion is greatly appreciated.
I have a necklace of real pearls, which is with me and my family approx 90+ years.
I wanted to sell it
Attached is the pics of it and also the test report, also the information is uploaded on their website.
In India they cannot certify other than as provided in the certificate, but as per the jewelers it is Basra Pearls.

I am not able to attach the pics and certificate, so following is the details of certificate details and no so that you can see the details on the site

Certificate no 309LNG247201

Deepak Saxema,

The card is too small for us to read or see the photo. And the link doesn't show us anything about your pearls.

Try attaching your photos again-- as you are a new member your will need to wait for an Administrator to approve your photos.
Hi Deepak,

Welcome! I am not sure what you are asking us. This forum is not for selling pearls. We might be able to help you find out what kind of pearls you've got if you have good photos as per our guide lines, but as they are already certified that does not seem to be the issue. Perhaps you can make it more clear to us if you have a question to ask or just wNt to share your pearls with other pearl lovers :)

- Karin
I assumed he was wanting an opinion of what such pearls might be worth so that he could list them somewhere, but thanks for pointing out that this is not a selling site, KarinK. That may not be obvious to new members.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Many thanks,
Please provide your openion for the worth of this Necklace.jpgnecklace.
Also need your guidanse , how to sale it.

Very pretty! I don't see anything on the certificate actually stating "natural" or "Basra" but to my untrained eye they certainly look natural.

We need our natural pearl experts to have a look.

Also, if these are naturals, maybe this part of the thread could have its own thread in the Natural Pearls forum instead of where it is now, under Cultured Pearls.
Without proof that they are natural, it's hard to give a value. Pretty necklace. You might do better to sell it on consignment with a jeweler. :)
Very pretty! I don't see anything on the certificate actually stating "natural" or "Basra" but to my untrained eye they certainly look natural.

We need our natural pearl experts to have a look.

Deepak. (with apologies to the OP for going of topic)

This piece has concerns.

Information on the accompanying documentation is either vague or not available. Certified as "pearl" in most countries (India included) implies natural. The website mentions GIA alumni, but neither accreditation or links are not available. This term plays loose to little more than biotic in origin, often illegally.

These can be easily faked with low grade pearls from any source. It's made from wires, strips, non elaborate findings nor designer craft. The flowers appear mass produced.

Individually, I see MQ FWP in the flowers and LQ FWPs for the rest, not the lusterous orbs we're accustomed to seeing from Bahrain.

Please be wary of anything without provenance.
The grouping between the knots doesn't make sense. Some are completely random. Some match.

They look like mussel pearls on the whole.