Silver or gold (vermeil) findings? Help me decide!


May 12, 2012
Hi All,
I finally received some ripples I am happy with! I just can't decide between silver or gold findings, help me decide please ASAP!!! I simply can't wait to string them up and will probably work on it tonight :)

Lovely lustrous pearls! Well, perhaps vermeil would be a slightly better choice (less contrast), but I'd probably make comfort a priority over clasp color. Those are pretty heavy pearls and a large, comfortable clasp will make them easy to wear all day long!
They are lovely! I agree with Pattye. I would go will the vermeil. I think that color would look really rich next to those pearls. ~d
yes vermeil. esp since you can just re-string them if the gold wears off (after you've worn them every day for a while, like i sure would!) ;) those are gorgeous!!! saving two for earrings?
Those are really beautiful, nice choice! I think I'd go with gold, too. I always do silver because I prefer to wear it myself, but I think gold with those pearls will look really rich. Lovely!
Beautiful pearls malakity! Looking forward to photos of the finished strand.
Ha Ha! I strung them on a simple vermeil S clasp for now, but I love the suggestion of rose gold vermeil and I am going to keep my eye out for the perfect rose gold clasp, will re-string when I find it!!! Pics:

I simply can't get a good neck shot showing the beautiful colors and iridecence, they look so washed out in the pics, but alas.

Lovety love love love...
Wonderful! Wear them in health. They are lovely and I am smiling as I type...
Gorgeous necklace! The vermeil looks great with that lovely rainbow around your neck. :D