I LOVE this!


Jun 5, 2013
On our 20th anniversary next year, we are having a wedding. We were married in a courthouse and planned to have a wedding, but never did. So I was looking online for dresses with pearls on them and wedding pearls necklaces, when I came across this. It is a little much for me as it is pictured but I think a scaled down version would be beautiful. Has anyone seem anything like this in person? I still have a little over a year left and I'm thinking I just might attempt to make something like this but with out the rhinestones. Wearing a wedding dress is already a stretch for me, considering I got married in a pant suit initially. I don't wear make up or perfume for that matter. So I have decided to surprise my husband and wear a dress and maybe some eye make up? I absolutely never wear anything that doesn't cover my shoulders, so a dress like this is gonna shock everybody. LOL I know sad, but true. So what do you think? Do you think it is too much? ~d


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I think you are entitled to wear whatever you want. I would lose the rhinestones though, yes, and simplify. too much is too much.
Yes, absolutely! I would get rid of the necklace and everything below the row of pearls and the row of rhinestones in the front. Replace the row of rhinestones with a wee bit shorter row of pearls. You can't see the back but I'm thinking two rows of pearls in the back, with a lariat kinda closure with a little bigger pearl at the end. Maybe get rid of the bottom row of pearls on the shoulders, and definitely no rhinestones. ~d
I think the idea of this is great! Especially with a more simple dress, like the one pictured. I hope you will post some pics of you in your dress on your special day! Congrats on almost 20 years, it is quite an accomplishment! (We are just coming up on our 10 year, and I consider it a major success that we are still married and haven't killed each other yet :) )
I absolutely love it! You'll find a way to do it. I guess the choker could go, but you need the stabilizing effect of the horizontal rows. :)
Almost 20 years ~ congrats! I think a simplified version of the dress with just pearls would be absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you so much all :D Twenty years, Wow! I can't believe it myself, LOL. I know making this thing is going to be a lot of trial and error but I think I can do it and I will definitely take photos of my progress along the way. Thanks so much again ~d
What a wonderful idea! My college roommate had a wedding/renewal of vows for their 15th anniversary. I think your idea will be very tasteful and beautiful. Can't wait to see pictures! Congratulations on almost 20 years!
Here is my 2 cents..... I would find a dress with a neckline like the one you have chose then I would send this picture to Hisano Shepherd and commision her to make a necklace like the one above out of pearls. She is a exceptional artist and would probably find a commision like this one intriguing to do. The good thing is that there is plenty of time to find the perfect pearls for you.
It seems to me that eliminating this and that and the other thing would leave you with a white dress and a strand or two of pearls, which is pretty basic.

That's not what caught her eye. It was the WoW factor of the whole neckpiece and the simple dress.

I rather liked the idea of having a piece made by Hisano to be the main focus as the accent to a simple dress, but keep the feeling of the WoW from the original photo.
Charmed one-- what a terrific idea! I may have misunderstood, but I thought you were implying that you yourself wanted to make something like this? If so, WOW! You go, girl! If not, working with Hisano is a great idea. She is patient and helpful and responsive and will work to make your dream come true.

Personally, I think you should ride that fine line between almost over-the-top and truly over-the-top. That design minus rhinestones (keep the drop pearls, I'm a fan!!!) would be great.

Please keep us posted, with pictures!
Honestly, I think it's great as-is. I'm not too proud to admit that I love a little razzle-dazzle now and then. :)
Thank you all so much. You guys have brought up some great ideas. I really wanted to try and make it myself first. It is definitely a big venture but I love the challenge. Going shopping for supplies, taking measurements, just everything that comes with making something yourself is exciting to me. Coming from a household where my mom made most of our clothes and even all of our prom dresses, honestly it never even dawned on me to have someone else make it. When I first saw it, I was like WOW! This is perfect, with a little tweak here and there. I haven't sewn in years but I'm actually thinking about making my dress too. LOL Crazy, I know. But I will start with this and see how I do before attempting the dress. ;) ~d
CharmedOne -- this is going to be a great thread! Looking forward to hearing about and seeing every aspect!
Making it yourself is an even better idea! I hope you take photos as you go. Even if you get started, then start over, all your thinking processes in making it would be such an incredible thread! This is the most exciting pearl Idea I have seen in ages!
I love it! With just pearls and maybe some simpler silver findings instead of the rhinestone clusters, this would really be an amazing piece. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Thank you all so much. I am starting with the round clusters first, since I will need quite a few of them. I have found a few candidates online but they look smaller than the ones in the photo. So my search continues. :) ~d