Book keeping for an Etsy Pearl Shop?

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
Not sure if this is the right section, but I'm almost ready to start my little Etsy shop and just realized I have no idea how to keep records for US taxes and just to see if I'm making or losing money. Any advice?
I mean, I have my receipts, of course. I need an easy to use bookkeeping program or book.
Hi Pattye,

Could I trouble you for the PM, too? Thank you!
Sea Urchin, bluebirrrd, Maiakity, JulieBeth, Battah and All,

I commend you, each and all, for starting out thinking of the business end and not just the fun of making jewelry, which is what I did for 4 years before opening my etsy shop. Thought it would be a fun way to keep D-I-Ls, Granddaughters and friends supplied with gifts. Here in Oregon there is no sales tax, so I was off the hook there, and using my personal name rather than a dba means no filing with the state.

Etsy offers lots of help guides for setting up your store and blogs such as this one: Etsy forums offer help and advice also, some of it very good.

As I previously mentioned to Sea Urchin and Bluebirrrd via PMs, I don't recommend my paper bag method, although I do keep my business paper bag and personal paper bag separate. And clearly marked! So I am publicly admitting I am not really qualified to give advice in this area and need to implement some much better record keeping methods myself! I hope each of you find what works for you and shares it with the rest of us!
No sales tax (here I have to pay and charge 20%!) and no income tax on 'hobby' sales. Lordie, I hope you appreciate how lucky you are!
Thanks for the information, I appreciate it! I want to make sure to get everything in order before I start so I don't have a hassle with trying to get it together later...