Multicolor Tahitian Pearls, The Amazing Journey Part 3


New Member
Apr 10, 2013
Hi All,

Sorry for the long delay in my Thoughts and Guidance on my Tahitian Pearls Quest. I was thoroughly enjoying the process and then I had to go away for a conference for work. Now that I have regrouped, I am here to share with you my Magnificient Multicolor Tahitian Pearl necklace and yes I also bought a pair of exquiste earring. Are you all ready?

If you remember I had hit a brick wall in trying to find a Multicolor Tahitian Pearl necklace in the USA. That was until I sent out a request for Jeremy Sheppard's assistance from Pearl Paradise. Once Jeremy contacted me, Multicolor Tahitian Pearl possiblities became infinate and I became a lucky scholar!!!

So without delay let me show you my beautiful necklace and earring. pearls1.jpg

I've never posted an image before so I hope it works. If it doesn't I will diligently try an get you all a post. I love them. They are magnificient and I am afraid I have only just begun my pearl fascination.
Wow. Speechless. I have been trying to put together a multicolor rope by cobbling together strands and pearls from here and there but wasn't having much luck. I should just have Jeremy and the PP team do it for me ;-)
Why not start at the top?! :) Amazing pearls. And isn't it nice to have a matching set? I'm very happy for you.
They are the pros! Beautiful pearls Rkas. And they will be wearable with most everything :)
That has to be the loveliest multi-colored Tahitian strand ever! Just look at those gorgeous colors! I love the clasp you chose as well. Thanks for sharing :D
WOW!!! Amazing colours! Do post photos when you receive your necklace.
I will take some time today to take my own pictures of the necklace & earrings. I think that will be interesting for all of us to see. The pearls really do so many different thing depending the lighting and the colors I'm wearing. So when I get I chance I will take an assortment of pics so you can see. I'm not a professional photographer by any means, so we'll so what I get. I hope I can do them justice. They really are amazing. Their luster is Opal like. Get back to you soon.
A stunning necklace...thanks for sharing the photo and congratulations on this purchase!
That is one exquisite. Jeremy does have the special touch putting a one of a kind necklace together. That necklace will stand the test of time and you will so glad you have it. Enjoy!
May I also compliment you on daring to not have the earrings the samr colour :) I feel it adds to the experience, kinda multidimentional...

- Karin
Thank you so much Karin. I agree.

I got some time over this 3 day, holiday, weekend to take my own pictures of my necklace and earring. Now I need to state again that I am certainly not a photographer!
I feel my pictures don't do the necklace and earrings justice but I understand the importance of seeing the pieces from a nonprofessional perspective with imperfect lighting.
I hope this comes across well enough for you to see.

They are quite spectacular. Hopefully this will inspirer more to create multicolor Tahitian pieces. They radiate so many different colors and hues. I certainly love them but I've also gotten a lot of positive responses from others. It's very funny I forget I have them on at times, then I catch people staring at my neck. This are definately not my grandmother's pearls and I love them!!! Thank you Jeremy and Pearl Paradise for being so generous with your knowledge and time.
I just saw my pictures and they aren't bad but I'm afraid I wasn't able to truely capture the beauty of my earrings. Stiil and all this gives you an idea of the variations in my necklace. Enjoy!!! I certainly have.