Where to buy?


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
First of all, I must say sorry for my poor language, as I am not a native speaker.

I am looking for a pearl set for my fiance. I firstly aimed to Mikis as they are the most famous and found that, as you all know, the price is almost unaffordable, especially for AAA.

Then I try to look at other sources, like AP, TPO and PP. As I am in NYC, AP seems to be the best option as I can go to their store and buy it there. But, seriously, after reading several reviews, I am now very uncertain if it would be a right decision to make.

OK, here is the question. Should I go for AP? If not, which vendor will you experts suggest?

Thank you so much

Ben Ben

For certain reasons, my replies were not shown yet. So, I will provide more info here.

My fiance is pretty small (5'1") and weights around 98 lbs. Her skin color is yellow as typical Asian. She has black hair, but will look red-brown in sunlight. So, I think 16 inch necklace will suit her best as it will not be too long. For pearl size, I also think 7-8 mm might be the most fit for her figure. I am also looking for a pair of earrings and I think ones with diamonds would look great on her. Despite I said "a pearl set", I actually don't need a bracelet since my fiance will, definitely, break it within a few week (if not shorter). Last time I gave her a jade bracelet, and after one week, it was broken into pieces.

Normally, people might say South sea and Tahitian is more valuable, we both love and feel that Japanese Akoya is more gorgeous. And, as mentioned earlier, I look for AAA (or hanadam, if possible).

My budget is around 2000 - 2500 USD, with small flexibility. I still keep checking several sites, but can't decide which one is, for my major concern, trustworthy.

Thank you again for your suggestions.
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Welcome, Ben Ben,

When you say a set, you mean a necklace, earrings and bracelet? Tell us about your fiance, her coloring, hair, complexion, eyes. What size pearls are you considering? Does your fiance prefer small, medium, or bold jewelry? And of course, give us a budget range. Lots of us love to make suggestions!
Thank you Pattye.

My fiance is pretty small (5' 1') and weights around 98 lbs. As typical asian, her skin color is yellow, and her hair is normally black, but will look red-brown in sunlight.

I am looking for 16 inch necklace, the size of pearl could be around 7 to 8 mm so it would not be to hugh for her. Both of us love Akoya with rose overtone. For earring, I think ones (probably the same size) with diamonds would look great on her. She actually doesn't like bracelet, as she will brake it in a few day (last time I gave her a jade bracelet. After one week, it became two pieces).

My budget was around 2000 to 2500 with some flexibility.

Thank you, again, for your suggestions!!
I can only recommend the one vendor I've bought from (even though I'm sure many of the others are excellent as well)-- for me that was PearlParadise.com.

But do tell us more, as Pattye said.
Hi and welcome BenBen
do you have a budget, and if you do, what is it because that will, to some extent, decide what you buy. You mention AAA pearls so you are looking for quality clearly.
With your budget you can afford the best of the best, Hanadama quality Akoya. Pearl Paradise has a large selection, you would be able to choose rose overtones, have them resize the necklace and use extra pearls for earrings, of which they have many choices. Call them~they will be able to help you; exceptional customer service!


Do let us know what you decide~
I agree that your budget will support very high quality pearls and the Pearl Paradise hanadamas are likely as good as the best Mikis, as PP only sends the top of the AAA akoya necklaces for certification. Other people sometimes dis hanadama certification and offer less than the AAA version of same as a protest to those who like to use that certification.

I am very uncomfortable with you asking us which vendor to choose for you and unsure what you have read here, and when that was.....you should do what you want to do after checking other vendors out and comparing. There are tons more pearl vendors in NYC. if you wish to buy local, then compare local businesses. If you can get comparative snapshots, we will be happy to look at them for any discernible differences able to be seen in photos.

The best thing to do is look at pearls until you can discern differences in quality as compared to price. We have guides for that and so do a lot of businesses. We will be happy to answer questions until you make your final choice.

Your care in investigating will pay off, whatever type of business you choose to buy from.
Thank you for both of you, Pattye and Caitlin, and sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.

I visited sevearl gems stores around the area to compare quality and price. Unfortunately, with my poor eyes, I really can't tell the differences in quality unless the grades will be something like A (or worse) and AAA. Online stores give me broader selections, but, again, I am totally amateur and have to rely on reviews of each store, which could be fake as well. After such struggling, I decided to join the forum to ask for help.

BTW, I think I got my solution. I will go for PP hanadama 7.5-8 mm, and use the extra pearls for earrings, as Pattye suggested. Only one concern about nat white and white.

This would be much easier if I can ask my fiance what she will prefer.


Just talk to a rep from one store. The rep said that for hanadama earrings, I should not pair it with diamond unless it will distract the beauty of the pearl.

Any ideas?
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The natural white has more overtones. I know a lot of people can't see the subtleties, but if you pick the natural white, those that can see the subtleties will be blown away. I have seen GemGeek's natural whites. They are the prettiest akoyas I have ever seen. There are photos of them here, but I am so behind on reading posts, I can't look for them right now.
Just talk to a rep from one store. The rep said that for hanadama earrings, I should not pair it with diamond unless it will distract the beauty of the pearl.

Any ideas?

Hi BenBen,

I just saw this so I checked to see who you chatted with because the above seemed strange. What Kim was saying is that full-drilled pearls (pulled from a strand) would not go well with the diamond starlight findings because the hole would show. They would work with diamonds, but only in a dangle style with a headpin through the bottom to finish the piece.
Hi BenBen,

I just saw this so I checked to see who you chatted with because the above seemed strange. What Kim was saying is that full-drilled pearls (pulled from a strand) would not go well with the diamond starlight findings because the hole would show. They would work with diamonds, but only in a dangle style with a headpin through the bottom to finish the piece.

Thanks a lot! That really helps me making decision.
The natural white has more overtones. I know a lot of people can't see the subtleties, but if you pick the natural white, those that can see the subtleties will be blown away. I have seen GemGeek's natural whites. They are the prettiest akoyas I have ever seen. There are photos of them here, but I am so behind on reading posts, I can't look for them right now.

Here is a link to the thread with GemGeek's Natural White Hanadama photos:

After gathering info from here and other sources (and lots of conversation with most, if not all, of the rep, I just placed an order with PP. My order is customized 17 inch 7.5-8 mm hanadama necklace with, also customized, matched dangle pearl earring with 0.2 cttw diamond.

So thrilled!

Will show them to you soon!!!