Anyone else love the pearl necklace in the latest installment of Batman?


New Member
Mar 14, 2012
I won't deny that I got a kick out seeing that beautiful necklace featured so prominently!
I am hoping to see it after my holiday in mid August, and shall look out for it.

DK :)
Ooh, I will go and see Batman for this reason alone! :)
I think it was worth it... for that necklace alone. My husband thought it was hilarious that I was obsessing over that necklace. Even he appreciated how spectacular it was :-P
I just found a picture on showing Anne Hathaway wearing a graduated white strand. I am going to see it on IMAX tomorrow.
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Harvey Dent's anniversary scene: 2 huge strands, SS or SS look-alike on 2 women standing next to each other, then later on in the crowd another lady in black and small white polka dot dress with a smaller white strand. Bruce's mom's strand looks like champagne SS due to the huge ones at the center. Great movie. IMAX screen is even better. There were some parts I could feel the seats vibrating from the noise. Music near the end was intense, filled with a strong sense of emotion and beautiful (the ocean scene...I don't want to spoil the movie).
Also a strand of big tahitian or look alikes in that same scene. I found my self not listening to the dialogue and watching for pearl necklaces lol And yes, love to know the size of the 4 or 5 huge ones at the front of the mom necklace. Enjoyed the movie too lol

Really? I missed the Tahitian one. Same here, I missed part of Gordon's speech. LOL.
Hi all! I'm so glad to have found this thread. I've been OBSESSED with Martha Wayne's necklace since seeing it again in The Dark Knight Rises this summer (I didn't much care about jewelry when Batman Begins came out, haha), so I've been trying to figure out how to find a similar necklace!

Here is a screencap I found online:

What length do you all think that is? Also what range would you say the pearl sizes are? I've been looking up graduated pearl necklaces on the web, but it's been hard to find anything with such dramatic gradation.

As a side-note, my current budget is in the lower hundreds because I'm still in university. However, I am willing to make this a long-time search for the perfect piece, so don't let that detail be a factor in your advice for me. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!