I have purchased several handsome "Tahitian" pearl necklaces from a Chinese seller on TradeTang. The most expensive of these was an 18" / 10-11 mm round / 'green-black' string for which I paid only $250.00.
In response to specific questioning the seller stated that: "These are saltwater Tahitian cultured pearls. Not freshwater pearls. I am wholesaler. My customer resell these for thousand of dollars."
My wife is very happy with her new pearls and I feel that I've probably not spent more than the pearls were worth -- even if they DO turn out to be freshwater pearls -- but I wonder if it is at all possible that I have purchased a genuine Tahitian pearl necklace -- as I've described it to be -- for the amount that was paid.
Could I distinguish freshwater pearls from saltwater Tahitians?
In response to specific questioning the seller stated that: "These are saltwater Tahitian cultured pearls. Not freshwater pearls. I am wholesaler. My customer resell these for thousand of dollars."
My wife is very happy with her new pearls and I feel that I've probably not spent more than the pearls were worth -- even if they DO turn out to be freshwater pearls -- but I wonder if it is at all possible that I have purchased a genuine Tahitian pearl necklace -- as I've described it to be -- for the amount that was paid.
Could I distinguish freshwater pearls from saltwater Tahitians?
