Big Stampede to respond!

Can it be done from a simple post?
Hi, Poster, and welcome! Please don't be intimidated by the number of questions below, answering them goes really fast, and the answers help get
your questions answered!
-Do the pearls feel gritty when rubbed against your teeth? yes___ no___
(This test doesn't work with dentures)
-Do the pearls feel gritty when rubbed against each other? yes___ no___
-Do the pearls feel cold when you first touch them against your cheek? yes___ no___(They might feel like they warm up quickly but feel noticeably cold at first. Plastic doesn't feel this cold, but glass and pearl will)
-Are there marks on the surface of the pearls, like dimples, or waves, or scratch- like marks ? yes___ no___
-Are the pearls perfectly round? yes___ no___
off-round? yes___ no___
egg-shaped? yes___ no___
Exactly all the same size and color? yes___ no___
-What size are the pearls, in mm (millimeters) going along the drill hole? _____mm
-Does the drill hole look very neat, with sharp clean edges? yes___ no___(Fakes usually have rounded looking edges)
-Can you see into the drill hole? yes___ no___
-Does it look like a bead inside with layers of nacre coating it? yes___ no___
-How long is the necklace? _____ inches or _____mm
-Is the necklace knotted between the beads closest to the clasp? yes___ no___
-Is the necklace knotted between each bead? yes___ no___
-Does the clasp have precious metal markings, like K, or Kt, or C, or S, or SS, or GF? yes___ no___
-What are the marks? _____
-Do you have any papers that go with the necklace? yes___ no___
-A Box with the maker's or jeweler's name? yes___ no___
-Do you have pictures of a family member, or prior owner, wearing the pearls, or family stories? (this isn't required of course. Sometimes people have these when the pearls are inherited

-Please include photos of the pearls with your request. Photo tips are found in the FORUM Other Stuff in the thread Taking pictures of pearl jewelry.