Please, give me your thoughts about those pearls.


Baroque Pearl
Aug 1, 2006
12mm plus.jpg
12mm plus, plus... natural color....should I attempt to buy them ??
fab colour..if the lack of roundness isn't a major problem for you, and if you think the price is okay, then why not?
no.. I like baroque pearls. My concern is with the pearl sides that I DON'T see.. From what I can guess looking at the picture, some are flattish. I was told that luster on the "other side" is very good to and that there is no blemishes...

Price is in the range of better "ripple" pearls..
It reminds me of the strand of pearls I decided I had to give to Hisano. You suspicions are right, however. The side showing is the best side. Of the strands I've seen like this, the back side is not as lustrous or colorful. When Hisano wears her strand I am constantly adjusting it to make sure the right faces are showing.
My concerns were the same as the others~if the backs are flat and what they look like. Is there a good return policy? I can work with a smaller flat area, but when they are real flat, not always.

If they are flat, I can always make pendants out of them... I don't know.....I love the color !!
I think the colors are improving rapidly; wild orient is a new technique,maybe.... This one really reminds me of Hisano's but darker. It is the second one like this I have seen-including hers. I just bet more are on the way though. This is new stuff, and at top dollar, I'll bet, because it is highly desirable. I hope I am right.

So if you can afford it, why not? It is a really step up in orient from what I have seen before. I can hardly wait to see more!
Thanks to all of you for your input. I will buy those pearls. If they will not look too good as strand, I can make few different pieces out of them I hope... I just have to see and touch them.
I guess that my illness is progressing.. You called it what.. A pearlaraitis ???...
Incurable... and causing early financial death..

The backs are often flat and lavender-colored and not as shiny. That photo is in low light to bring out the color, so I would expect them to be more pastel in person. But hey, I think they're gorgeous. Who cares if you have to flip them over here and there? :cool:
Ok. Damage is done, pearls are ordered. I should get them next week. I'll post pictures... both sides....
I've wondered why pearls with flat backs/ unattractive backsides aren't double drilled, so you'd use double, parallel threads. Wouldn't that hold the pearls with one surface always up? Not having drilled pearls, I imagine there's a reason why not?
Imanit, Those sure look colorful in the photo.. looking forward to seeing your photos of them.

Lisa, Sometimes they do double drill button shape pearls so they will sit flat.. mostly in really inexpensive Chinese pearls. One time in Tucson I saw a strand of mabe pearls (maybe 14mm) double drilled to sit flat "collar-like" around the neck. The look was fantastic, and the drilling was SO precise, each pearl drilled at a slightly different angle to fit the neck just so... the price tag was absolutely comical... especially considering that these were high domed mabes with a flat shell backing, making them 80% glue and 20% shell. I think there was an interesting idea there with the incredibly precise drilling, just wished they'd used real pearls! Sorry it was so long ago, I didn't take any photos.
So, Ivona or Jeremy could've requested the pearls be double drilled? Oops, sorry I forgot Jeremy and Hisano ARE drillers, among their other roles.