Mikimoto Best of the Best

*sigh* I was secretly hoping you'd say "no, it's just AAA".

This confirms that it is 7.5-8mm hanadama that I want. Ouch!
It is AAA. Hanadama is also cherry-picked AAA, because even AAA comes in a continuum of quality in the surface and luster.
Pattye is right. You will find much better prices for hanadama pearls from the online pearl sellers than you will from Mikimoto.

Remember, with Miki you are paying a premium for the name-- but the pearls themselves are not better, just a lot more expensive. Hanadama are hanadama no matter who sells them.
Allow me to second that. Compare the Mikimoto price to the Pearl Paradise hanadama price. The difference in price is the clasp (a branded miki clasp), but hanadama pearls speak for themselves. We have a photo of Gem Geek's Hanadamas somewhere. Those came from Pearl Paradise. You will not find a better price for the quality. I admit I am a big fan of Pearl Paradise and have been for 7 years so I am not prejudiced- I am afterjudiced! Impeccable business that comes with my highest recommendation!
That was pretty good, I thought at the time.......And thanks for finding that thread. It also features Gem Geek's photography and the comparison with other necklaces so it is educational as well as drool-inspiring. That is a great thread! I just gave it an "excellent" rating.
Blaire's previous thread is great, beautiful, beautiful pearls

good to see Hanadama back on P-G with a good rep !

but there can be pitfalls..... see recent thread


The PSL certificate will state the (mean) nacre thickness for the strand, or pair, which should be at least 0.4mm on each side for a total of 0.8mm nacre thickness

if you can bear the 'ouch' - go for it :-)
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Yeah, no money in pocket, but I'm rich in pearls. Darn that Pearl Paradise! :p

I've recently made my first purchase at PP, couldnt be happier. But even at PP, a hanadama comes at a premium (to me), so I'd been trying to convince myself to get a Freshadama or AAA Akoya instead, obviously with no luck. My last bet is metallic white if there's such a color.
went to miki and had a detail inspection of their A1 and AA. i am actually quite happy with AA when it's not put next to AAA :D Consider the cost and my plan to get a total of 30+ inch in two separate purchcase, I am leaning towards ordering an AA+ strand from PP, get an exchange for AAA if i don't like it. Just wish PP has the miki kind of clasp that wraps around the pearl like the PP embrace collection.

BTW, their site is down - "service not available"?
The site is back up. We got hit late last night and have been working on it for a few hours this morning, but we were finally able to isolate and fix the issue.
Really glad you're back up now

Thanks for standing up for what this site represents - integrity :-)