The designer's corner

thanks Sheryl...did you harden the silver to stop the bangle going out of shape...I have a feeling that if I tried to make a similar bangle (while not copying of course!) the whole thing would distort within three wearings. Or am I just being a bit of a worry-wart?
Well they are all just gorgeous..actually ... Gorgeous with a capital G !! I too love pearls and Amethyst ! What a wonderful rope!
Dawn, I love your designs... is that Vermeil? I can imagine that the materials cost starts to get a bit overwhelming..but it's hard to back off when you know what you want to do isn't it :)
And the goldypinkykasumypearlys ! And Sarah, well....the designs are to peruse your site!

Well done all!
Katbran, thank you. No, it is high karat gold which in these times makes them hard to sell. I do use vermeil but some pieces just deserve real gold and on some of these pieces that I had been planning to make up for a long time I had planned them with real gold. Scary using it though.

Sheryl, what is the gauge of the silver in your silver and pearl bangle. Love it bye the way. Has a special purity about it. And love your other designs with leather. Great.

Dawn - Bodecia
Natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover
South Sea Pearls, Keshi Pearls & Strawberry Spinel and real gold necklace - l love spinel.


Japanese Kasumi with Tanzanite and 22kt gold.

3rd photo

FW Fireball Pearls, Spinel again and various karat gold.

Dawn - Bodecia
Natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover


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I was thinking of writing you about that. Or----why not just upgrade the title of the Lowly Beaders Club??? It would cover all the same material- designs and techniques!

But let's keep running this thread!!! Yummy yummy thread!!!
resistance is futile against jeweljunke's designs! I love the filagree set. I also love peridot and pearls together! Might try to come up with a design like that!

Dawn. The blue in the bracelet is reflected in the pearls. How sensitive and stunning!
Or----why not just upgrade the title of the Lowly Beaders Club??? It would cover all the same material- designs and techniques!

I'd like to suggest keeping the title as it is; much of the material on P-G can be intimidating to a newbee. Caitlin, of course it does cover the same material, yet the title somehow keeps us from appearing too serious, perhaps?

Loving everyone's fab jewelry, will comment in more detail soon. Crazy busy with family stuff~
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Yeah, it would be very similar to the "club." So maybe we should just keep it as this thread? This is your place! Let me know what everyone wants.
There is no reason this thread can't become as long as the Nautilus thread! It's all in one place and can be a present that is reopened every time there is a post! "Show Us Your Pearls" has always been a place for designers as well as owners.
Not much from me lately have had a case of life some things are getting better and others well they are in various stages of getting better. Anyway here are some of the old designs, I am thinking about revamping, well eventually. :)

There have also been some design ideas floating about in my head lately, Hoping to get organized enough to either attempt to draw or actually make some of them over the Holiday's while visiting family, a coupe of those ideas also include Amethyst's. :o

Everyone else stuff is so divine. Feel like such a slacker. :o I am enjoying slacking and just seeing & enjoying everyone's talent & beautiful creations.;)

Woww... lovely pieces are coming out of the corner!
Here are actually the most most recent.
A simple necklace of natural color rough sapphire beads from Bonita Creations and a big "spotted" silver blue Chinese pearl.
A brass cuff bracelet that is sort of a work in progress, but I feel has potential.. especially for the "wonder women" among us!
The last one I actually made during the show last weekend. I found these lovely cowrie shells and drilled them between helping customers. It's an ocean queen piece, with a fresh water friend.

Cheers and keep the photos coming.. so inspiring!


  • Georgian Garnet & Seedpearl Bracelet
    Georgian Garnet & Seedpearl Bracelet
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  • Georgian Enamel & Seedpearl Locket In Box
    Georgian Enamel & Seedpearl Locket In Box
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  • Georgian Enamel & Seedpearl Locket
    Georgian Enamel & Seedpearl Locket
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Ooops forgot to say that Bodecia.. Your emerald necklace is GORGEOUS..
And Ash the pearl collar... WOW that's incredible! Beautiful, fine work!
Oooh...can I too get in on this?

Here's two pairs that are heavy on gemstones (you know I love them):
- a pastel palette (tanzanite, namibian chalcedony, welo opal, moss amethyst, pink quartz and rare white iolite) with saltwater keishi pearl accents
- a pink cornucopia (oregon, sunstone, tourmalines, sapphires, rubies and three types of garnet) with metallic baroque peach pearl focals.

Findings are all vermeil and gold-fill; can't afford the upgrade :)


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  • Sea of Cortez Black Mabe Earrings
    Sea of Cortez Black Mabe Earrings
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And my first bracelet - actually this is a reworking of a bracelet that I bought two years back.

I added focals (a bi-coloured ametrine nugget and a purple lustre pearl), weaved pondslime and mauve pearls in for interest and replaced half of the lilac amethyst and ametrine briolettes (am a stickler for gem-quality material, or as close to it as possible, though I have a soft-spot for included material like rutile quartz and moss amber).

This is exactly how I got started. As I got more discerning as a consumer, I reverse engineered and experimented with some of my earlier buys: tore them apart, expanded the colour palettes and upped the ante with more gemstones and pearls.


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Awesome stuff everyone! Answers from way back - yes I work hardened the silver with plastic plier thing, cloth, and some slight rubber hammering through a sunshine cloth. It's still flexible enough to go on an off wrist, but holds pretty well.. I've test driven it. I think it was 13 gauge, but not 100 percent on that. Have to make big drill holes to accomodate the wire. ;)