Overstock Pearls?


New Member
Oct 12, 2011
I am new to the world of pearls but in searching.....and searching.....and searching for the right set for my wife, I came across Overstock.com. Their prices seem to be lower than most other sites and I wondered if anyone has purchased pearls through them and whether you are actually getting what is described.-

p.s. Love the site and you all have some of the best information here. On behalf of the uneducated pearl buyers everywhere, thank you. :)

IMO Overstock is a great place to buy something like a toaster oven but for pearls discount warehouses aren't where you want to look. Some of their supposed AAA strands are retailing for more then the wholesale value of the pieces.

But I'm sure they have a return policy and you can always give them a try, my guess is you won't be impressed with the quality.
You know what else is great about the online pearl retailers here is the level of customer service and attention to detail. :cool: If you need anything customized, or want a particular color or overtone, etc., all you have to do is ask! :o
Thank you. That is actually helpful because I have not been able to find the exact combination of pearls and gems that I have been looking for. I will make sure to check out your site. ;)
I bought a strand of Tahitians from Overstock a few years ago. I sent them back a few days later. Not worth the savings I thought....... even to my untrained eye. They weren't pretty.......

- Jodie -
I've only seen two different pieces from Overstock. This was quite a few years ago and I know that there are a lot of different vendors there, so it's not possible to say things are consistent across the board, but the akoya that I have seen were peeling (earrings with small diamonds) and the freshwater strand have heavy blemishes and a strange, intense luster. I sent the strand to Sharon's lab in Idaho and she informed me that it had been coated.
Oh, peeling, dreadful!

I bought a long 50" endless strand from smartbargains.com of multicolored, 8.5-9.5mm pearls. I wouldn't have bought them except after much email exchanging (about who their source was, whether they were dyed, or bead nucleated, could they show me a photo of the exact necklace, etc, none of which could they do), they offered to pay for shipping back if I didn't like them, plus they offered a very tempting sale price. Not overstock.com, I know, but the same sort of store.

Their customer service was exemplary, but if the pearls weren't a steal I would regret the purchase (worked out to about 1.oo per inch). Since coming to PearlGuide I realize I'd have done better to save the money, and put the price toward a good strand from the online vendors here. I'm using the word 'good' conservatively, in the New England parse, understated you see. Good = Heirloom, dahling.

The pearls were banded, some had irregular 'dead' surface spots, but from afar they looked nice, so I kept them as 'Fun' pearls, and I do enjoy them for what they are. I've gotten compliments, so they are pretty, but I know what I've got. Or not.

Plus, recently I got a trio of pearls from Pearl Paradise, an early birthday present, and I mean to tell you - these are the Real Thing! Gorgeous, perfect surface and luster, depth of color that's amazing, and so wellgrown/balanced that they keep rolling off whatever I put them on, even my hand. Since I can't put them down, I'm chasing them all over the place.

Heaven, I'm in Heaven, and it feels so good that I can hardly speak...
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Plus, recently I got a trio of pearls from Pearl Paradise, an early birthday present, Eh? and I mean to tell you - these are the Real Thing! Gorgeous, perfect surface and luster, depth of color that's amazing, and so wellgrown that they keep rolling off whatever I put them on. Since I can't put them down, I'm chasing them all over the place. Heaven, I'm in Heaven, and it feels so good that I can hardly speak...
Ooooh! Did you post photos Lisa? I don't think I saw them! (are you an October baby too?)

- Jodie -
Yes, oct 18, but I don't know how to use my digital camera yet. I'm hoping my son will be able to come by to install my printer, so he can print out my camera instructions for me. After his reinstallation of my computer stuff after the virus, I'm afraid to mess with anything bei meinzelf;). He warns me against messing with anything, strongly (shrug, I get to see him this way).

I haven't put any pics up yet, in all my 2 years here. Very embarrassing, since I always nudge everyone else to post. I'm bad.:(:confused:
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We supply some goods to them and if it is our good there are some great deals to be had! It is a place for us to move product the we are overstocked. We are not the only supplier.
Well, but how can we know if you're the source? We can't, right? I've wondered about this. I figured you signed some privacy contract or somesuch thing, so we're SOoL.

For instance I asked at smartbargains, who sourced that particular bargain?, that I'd want to buy a number of strands if I could see them. They couldn't tell me, nor could they send pics of individual strands.
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One feature I love at www.smartbargains.com is that you can roll over the jewelry and magnify enough to see flaws. Well, see flaws on the stock pictures.
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Well, see flaws on the stock pictures.

Somehow that doesn't sound reassuring :D But knowing that there might actually be some goodies among the overstock items is a bit tempting - like lottery tickets?

Congratulations on your new pearls and your upcoming birthday.

- Karin
Thank you, Peter! Headin' over to peek at overstock.
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Okay, so I steered clear of Overstock, but was wondering if Amazon is of the same caliber? They seem to have very nice pieces including this Tahitian pendant but I did see that it was made in China. I don't know if that is a "give-away" that it's not a real Tahitian.

In general it could and could not be real Tahitians when pearls are sold from China. I remember a thread not too long ago about how low quality Tahitians are smuggled out and end up in China among other places. Tahitiens, yes, but very low grade. What you want to be aware of is when the colour is called Tahitian to mislead. Also be aware that chocolate is not a natural colour to Tahitians in case that is something that is important to you.

Chocolate pendants comes in the same price range at e.g. Pearl Paradise (http://www.pearlparadise.com/Chocolate-Tahitian-Pearl-Pendants-383.aspx) so there is no reason why this particular listing at Amazon should be a fraud.

- Karin
Oh my, do you have a different name on Amazon Jeremy, or are you refering to the ads/links at the bottom of the page?

Also, do you guys retain any rights over the product, for instance descriptions and such, once you 'surrender' your pearls? Just curious, I don't know what's customary.
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