Mary Queen of Scots necklace on display


Aug 12, 2004

A NECKLACE that once belonged to Linlithgow?s most famous daughter Mary Queen of Scots will go on display this weekend at Annet House.

A local resident and relation of the famous monarch, who does not want to be named, has lent the pearl choker to the museum coinciding with Doors Open Days which starts this weekend.

The 16th century piece was originally presented by Mary Queen of Scots to Miss Kelso of Kelsoland, one of her maids of honour, just before her flight to England in 1568. It is made from seed pearls and fresh water pearls, with inlaid garnets, gold scroll work, and enamel mounts. The exquisite jewellery would have been tied with a ribbon and is in excellent condition.

The necklace was passed down the generations, wrapped in cotton wool in a cigar box before it was put on display by the owner in his home.

Alan Young at Annet House Museum, Linlithgow, said: ?Artefacts from this period are extremely rare. This is why we had paintings done to tell the story of the Stuarts in the museum, as we don?t have pieces from this time. It is a tremendous, attractive and delicate piece to have on display, and a stunning addition for a small museum. I?m delighted that we have it here.?

The Mary Queen of Scots necklace will be at Annet House Museum on the High Street until October 31.

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Nice. The is the second necklace belonging to Mary QofS that I have seen. Nothing like some 400 year old (or more!) pearls to brighten up your day. Solid nacre does its thing!
Nice! In a similar vein, just saw a photo (September Vogue, page 556) of Elizabeth Taylor's amazing pearl necklace, a gift from Richard Burton, featuring the 16th century La Peregrina pearl, "the magnificent teardrop natural pearl that Philip II of Spain presented to Mary Tudor on their engagement". I imagine there are photos of this treasure elsewhere in this forum, but it really is quite breathtaking!
Nice! In a similar vein, just saw a photo (September Vogue, page 556) of Elizabeth Taylor's amazing pearl necklace, a gift from Richard Burton, featuring the 16th century La Peregrina pearl, "the magnificent teardrop natural pearl that Philip II of Spain presented to Mary Tudor on their engagement". I imagine there are photos of this treasure elsewhere in this forum, but it really is quite breathtaking!

Well it looks like its going up for sale soon: