Pearl farming photo essay in Islands Magazine


Jun 11, 2007

Hello again everyone. It's been a good last couple of months for our exposure. The latest issue of Islands Magazine has a beautiful spread of pictures from our farm. I wasn't there for it but the photographer Shelly Strazis did a beautiful job in capturing life on our motu.
Very nice Josh! Do share some of the photos if possible. The spread page is great!
Thanks Blaire and Ramona! Douglas, here is the article but a photo of a photo is not really the best end result. Better than nothing though right? I included the cover of the magazine so that everyone can spot it better.




This is great Josh, thanks so much for sharing! That looks like one very relaxed feline :)

Hm, I see female tourism go up a tad. Guys and cats, irresistible. But I digress.
Must grab a copy of that magazine! I see the bridge hasn't changed...still amazed I didn't go head-first into the water. Looking at my ankle octopus with fond recollection. Congrats on all of the great exposure, Josh!!!
Ramona, female tourism can go up at any time. It's not a problem, I'm pretty confident the guys won't mind. ;)

Caitlin I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know Buck. Who is he please?

Thanks Sheri. The bridge has gotten a tad more wobbly but no one sober has fallen in a really long time. :)
Nice article Josh.

I'd love to visit the atolls sometime sooner than later.

I gather its quite a long journey with stopovers and charters?
I thought I cancelled that post. It was my own insane joke based on some of the qwinky-dinkys that have recently happened in the pearl world. I have no clue on who Buck Nacre is the sock puppet for, except he posted on the Pearl Professor Blog. He became one of my pearl heroes when he posted "Not irritated" on TPP's blog, so I mention him every chance I get- I see him in every post I made for the last few days.
Hi Dave,
Most people think that Tahiti is much farther than it is. From LAX it is typically a 7h flight (8h for the return). Once you get there, it's another 1h20 to Ahe then from there to the farm, it's 40 minutes by boat. So from Canada it is all in all kind of a hoof but not really that far in terms of distance.
Caitlin thanks for the explanation. My first thought on seeing the name Buck Nacre was, "I should have thought of that!" Hmmm... (insert chin scratch). Might have to ask Mikeyy if he doesn't know Mr. Nacre.
I just got through perusing the magazine - great articles throughout for the armchair island traveller, and great photos and captions of Kamoka. If you want a virtual vacation, buy a copy!

Wondering how many intrepid voyagers will be seeking out the may need to start charging admission, Josh!

Fantastic photos, plus a nice cat.
Hi Sheri,
The truth is that even with crazy wide reaching exposure like that, the ripples are surprisingly tiny. I was expecting a deluge but it's been closer to a mist. Islands will be running a month long pearl contest though so hopefully that will get some energy moving. I will be surprised if a P-G'er does not win it. Who is it going to be? I'd love to see it go to someone from our community. :)
Dave, there are no float planes in French Polynesia. I think there is some laws that prevent their usage. Our farm is around 300 miles from Tahiti so I think that's not too far for one right?
Well, Islands Magazine may be mostly read by people who cannot afford to travel or buy pearls and do the next best thing, dreaming about it. I also suspect the economy is not at its best and looks like turning down again right now. So lots of uncertainty.
Ramona, Islands hits a pretty cashed up demographic actually. Maybe I just haven't been patient enough. I know they are waiting with their credit cards and Paypal accounts to clean us out so we can make lot's more pearls!
Dave, we usually fly to Ahe ( then boat from the airport to Kamoka. Food and supplies come on the weekly schooner out of Papeete unless we need something urgently then it goes by plane too. Pretty easy if you have an office and someone to do make it happen in Papeete. A bit of a nightmare if you don't. I imagine there are lot's of similarities between your farm and mine in that respect.