Konfirmation present


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
On Friday I was finally able to pick up the 32'' strand of Tahitian pearls I had bought from Sarah at Kojima - sooo excited.

The plan has been to use about 1/4 of the pearls for a very personal present for my husbands niece who has her konfirmation celebration this Sunday. I bought the rest of the pearls and will get to play with them soon :p

Here is what the niece is getting, all set in silver:

1 tincup necklace where I decided to use an uneven number of pearls and put one of the big green pearls as a dangle at the bottom. There is a small, smooth sapphire at the clasp. The necklace is graduated for both size and colour, moving from small and silver to large and green. I am not sure how well that shows in the picture.

1 tincup bracelet, alternating green hue pearls with silver/pink hue pearls. There is the same kind of sapphire and a small pearl at the clasp.

1 pair of earrings.

1 pendant with a really big, incredibly nice green pearl that I wish I could have kept. It'll go on a leather thong for now.

We have also put together a small leaflet for her so she'll know a bit about what she is getting.

- Karin
What a beautifully, young way to wear Tahitian pearls!
I had always thought Tahitian Pearls might have been more suited to more mature ladies but setting them on silver without the stuffiness of diamonds and gold makes them a very youthful gift indeed.
The lucky young lady will be delighted.
I thought I had already answered this thread....I just want to say, you have a great hand, your craftsmanship is excellent, the choice of pearls terrific and I am sure that is among the best designs possible for your niece! Tell her not to save them for special occasions, but wear them often. They will go great with the most casual to the most dressy clothes!
I thought I answered this too. They are just stunning. What a wonderful gift from the heart! :)
Beautiful, beautiful! What nice designs you've created to commemorate the occasion. The colors and matching on the pearls are lovely and I can't imagine a better jewelry gift for a young lady. I'm with the others here - do encourage her to wear them often and with all kinds of outfits.
Thank you all for the kind comments! I finally have time to report back from the gift giving a week ago (been editing my 'first novel, first part' 102 page Word doc for days).

The reaction of the niece was..... to give the pieces a fast glance and put the boxes in the pile with all the other gifts. I guess I had vain hope that it might have been different, but I was not surprised. But we had put together a very nice brochure for her to read later and I took care to tell both her and the mom not to throw them out if she got tired of the pearls because they were very expensive. Should make them want to look them a little more :)

- Karin
Maybe they will work their charms on her. Maybe they have to been seen in the right light to capture her attention... :)
Kids! I'm glad you told her and her mom to hang on to them.

You did a beautiful job, they're gorgeous.
Thank you, Lisa!

GemGeek - my thoughts exactly. I mean, how would you know that it's special if you have never seen Tahitians before? On a big occasion like that I doubt if I would notice them without ever having seen or read about pearls. That is why we made the brochure. I still remember getting an old garnet ring from my grandmother for my konfirmation. I didn't use it until I was 31 but it didn't leave my finger for 7 years.

- Karin