PP's AAA quality vs Freshadama


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
I'm thinking of buying myself another strand of pearls in the 7-8mm size and was wondering about whether to go AAA or Freshadama. Obviously the Freshadama is better quality, but is the difference that much that one would notice it with regular wear?

I tend to wear my pearls every day so they get heavy use. And FWIW the strand I'm currently wearing is one I strung myself using Pearllunars "mirror" AAA quality pearls. They're very pretty and the lustre is good, but I'm assuming that both the PP AAA quality and Freshadama's will be way more beautiful and lustrous.


TIA ;)
Hi Tia,
The AAA Freshwaters have a surface quality that's about 95% clean and appear round or near round to the eye. The luster is excellent and for everyday wear you may be very happy with them. But if you want higher quality pearls that have an even cleaner surface and appear even more perfectly round you should go for one of the special collection type pearls - Freshadama/ Freshwater Orient etc The greatest advantage to these pearls is that you often have the beautiful displays of orient combined with extraordinary luster, that make you want to keep looking at them!:D
Hi Tia,

I bought two Freshadama strands from PP and one Gem Fresh strand from PO last year. These are beautiful, round, lustrous pearls. But I bought them specifically because of the orient aspect that is advertised to be a characteristic. I expected to see a distinct display of color on the white body of the pearls. I returned the first Freshadama strand because I couldn't see orient. I figured I had just been unlucky and drew a lesser example, so I bought a second Freshadama strand. I could not see orient in that strand either, nor in the Gem Fresh strand that I bought from PO. It was later explained to me that not all pearl lots have the same degree of orient. In retrospect, I would have been happier had I checked my expectations about orient with the sales people when I bought the strands. I did keep, and enjoy wearing, the 2nd Freshadama strand, and I gave the Gem Fresh strand to my niece as a gift who is thrilled with it. But I'm still looking for that special white strand that will WOW me with color play.
The mirror Pearllunar pearls should have more orient, but not as good shape or surface. If you're craving glossy rainbow orient, they are a better fit. But the Freshadamas are much more elegant. It's fun to collect the different types so you can pick the pearls to fit the mood and occasion. I can recommend both. ;)

What about your hanadamas? Do they show more color than the freshadamas? Jeremly posted a picture of a hanadama set that was spectacular in the color overtones. I've had that in mind as an option.

Hi Tia,

I bought two Freshadama strands from PP and one Gem Fresh strand from PO last year. These are beautiful, round, lustrous pearls. But I bought them specifically because of the orient aspect that is advertised to be a characteristic. I expected to see a distinct display of color on the white body of the pearls. I returned the first Freshadama strand because I couldn't see orient. I figured I had just been unlucky and drew a lesser example, so I bought a second Freshadama strand. I could not see orient in that strand either, nor in the Gem Fresh strand that I bought from PO. It was later explained to me that not all pearl lots have the same degree of orient. In retrospect, I would have been happier had I checked my expectations about orient with the sales people when I bought the strands. I did keep, and enjoy wearing, the 2nd Freshadama strand, and I gave the Gem Fresh strand to my niece as a gift who is thrilled with it. But I'm still looking for that special white strand that will WOW me with color play.

I learned the day that Jeremy brought some of the first freshadamas to the Strack lecture at the AGTA show in 2007, that not everyone can see orient unless it is strong. I was next to a pearl expert from a famous organization and he couldn't see anything. My daughter, who has an amazing eye, described the colors she saw in the orient and overtones to him. He had to take her word. Orient on round pearls is subtle. It is much harder to see than in a baroque.

Pearl buyers like Jeremy need to be able to see what they are buying, if they want to get the best quality. Jeremy has the eye that can do that. I think it is genetics but it is another factor beyond what near or far sightedness can explain. I can see subtle orient, especially when my eyes are slightly unfocused, like I am looking through the pearl, but my daughter sees it as being "wowed with color play". I can see orient on the white Freshies more than the lavender/blues.

Any one else had thoughts on this?
Honestly, I can't see much orient at all on the Freshadamas unless I photograph them, and then I see it in the photos. However, I see plenty on baroque shaped white pearls and on the exotic freshwaters.
If you want the best, stop buying pearls and save your money for natural white hanadamas from PP. They are amazing, showing both blue and rose overtones at the same time. And screaming orient under spot lights or sunshine. Somewhere on here I have several photos of my strand in different lights. Just my fervent opiniion! ;)
Oh, and as someone who has seen and felt Gemgeek's gorgeous natural white hanadamas, as well as seen the PP stock, I would have to say they exhibit the most orient I have ever seen in round pearls... simply stunning!
Once again I wish I were living closer to California! It would be fun to see the Hanadamas in person.
Once again I wish I were living closer to California! It would be fun to see the Hanadamas in person.

you can't get much further away from California than Sydney!

Hope we get to organize another ruckus though - a good excuse to get a little closer to the action!
If you want the best, stop buying pearls and save your money for natural white hanadamas from PP. They are amazing, showing both blue and rose overtones at the same time. And screaming orient under spot lights or sunshine. Somewhere on here I have several photos of my strand in different lights. Just my fervent opiniion!

I've been wanting hanadamas since I saw your beautiful photos, GemGeek. And I am saving for a strand. Thanks to Pearl Guide, I bought and study Strack's book. I read in it that hanadama pearls are sold in special auctions before the other akoya pearl auctions. Do you know if this is still true, and if the hanadama pearls available from the good internet vendors are from these auctions? I'm always curious about the provenance of things I buy ... the material culture historian in me.