Where can I buy Mabe Pearls?

Reviving this old thread for the interest of other visitors.
I am posting some images of Mabe from different species: Pteria penguin, Pinctada maxima and Pinctada margaritifera.

You will be able to see their insides and notice the different processes they have. Some with epoxy resins, some with epoxy+talc.


  • China Mabe [640x480].jpg
    China Mabe [640x480].jpg
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  • Aussie Mabe in half [640x480].jpg
    Aussie Mabe in half [640x480].jpg
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  • Mabe Parts [640x480].jpg
    Mabe Parts [640x480].jpg
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Of course, dissecting pearls is fun... but nothing compares to becoming enslaved to the true unadulterated beauty of a Gem grade Mabe Pearl...in the shape you desire and the colors that only Mother-Nature can provide... :cool:


  • Cortez-Mabe.jpg
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Hi everybody! I'm new to this forum. I would like to buy a Mabe on the shell as a pendant. I am looking through all of the threads,but itis a bit overwhelming...In a good way!
If someone knows of a vendor that has what I'm looking for,please post a link.

Thanks! This is a great forum for Pearl lovers like me!
Hi and welcome! Just above, you will find a link for the Sea of Cortez online shop which sells the kind of mabes pictured above. Most of the links in this thread should still be good.


These are the most rare and colorful mabes from oyster pearls. There is also a link for Abalone mabe in this thread. LINK for a google search for akoya mabe pendant:

Rainbow Island pearls has this mabe:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pale-Pastel...019?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item484271269b . Although not a member here, this vender is used by some of our members with high praise.
Thanks for the links Caitlin! I really appreciate it! My mind is swimming with all of the great info here...On to the links!
Oh Douglas! Pearlnography! ;)


Great thread...wish I saw it a few days ago!

Where does this "mabe fit in????

Old Article but gives a history of abalone culture...



  • plat mabe 25 x 14.. ,4 ct 5 grams.jpg
    plat mabe 25 x 14.. ,4 ct 5 grams.jpg
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