ebay sellers


New Member
Dec 17, 2007

I need some help.
I used to live in USA but moved to Europe, Romania, 2 years ago. I used to buy from some ebay sellers, but they are not registered anymore, can you tell me some sellers that I can trust? I'm looking for strands and half drilled pearls to make my own jewelry, maybe start a business soon. Is Integrity pearls a good place to buy?
Can you recommend also some sources for gold and silver findings? I used Bella findings before, but if I can find a source closer, here in Europe, would probably be better.

Thanks a lot!
Did you buy from ebay since you went to Romania? Don't they have some ebays in Europe?
Integrity pearls are good, depending on what you want as they don't have a huge variety. Is it better to order from the US or a closer country?

Perhaps try our member Amrita who lives and operates out of China- I forget her business name for the moment. Why get pearls that left China and went to the US or somewhere and then back to you? Go Straight to the source.

As for Findings- They are often made in China too. Some of the best clasps come from Israel, but I am clueless where is the best place to get them.

Good Luck!
Thanks, Caitlin!
I don't necessarily want to buy from USA, sure I prefer to go directly to the source, but I've heard all kinds of stories and I can't afford to experiment too much. I don't care if the sellers are from Europe, or China, I just need some help with their name from people that have some experience with those sellers, so I don't make too many mistakes.
So if you can recommend me some sellers that you know and worked with before, I would really appreciate it.

Yes, Amrita, I enjoy making pearl jewelry! :)