


I was curious if it was possible to farm pearls in Honduras? What are the conditions needed to have a successful pearl farm? This info i got from http://research.amnh.org/~mikkel/pearls/countries.html [/url]it says:

Honduras — natural marine pearl fishing (presumably from Pinctada imbricata) in the pre-Columbian capital of Copan.
References: Jackson, 1916. but looking for pearl farms in Honduras i find none. At one point pearl farming existed in Honduras what happened?

There are no pearl farms in Honduras that I know of at this time. I think it could definitely be a good location for pearl farming as Venezuela is, and Venezuela is directly across the Caribbean. I imagine it would be a good place to produce Pinctada margaratifera and maxima pearls. The Latitude is the same as the Philippines and Marshall Islands. The Philippines harvest maxima, and the Marshalls harvest margaratifera.
The only farm I know of in Central America utilizes the Winged Pearl Oysters, of the Genus pteria. This farm is on the Sea of Cortez. I have also heard of farming in that area using the 'rainbow-lipped' oyster (?) I believe it is called.

There are many places in the world that are suitable to farm pearls but a lot of the infrastructure is not yet in place to start farming. A pearl farm is such a big investment that all factors must be perfect for most to jump in. You are looking at many years of work and risk before any rewards are reaped.

I will do a little more reading and see if I can find any additional information about Honduras and pearl farming!

Thank-you for the information that was really helpful.